– Compatible for ETS2 patch 1.30.
– Added more new Indonesia signs and navigations.
– Improved some areas from Teluk Muara, Kp.Cadar, and Miliharjo (northern part).
– Added more enchanted vegetations and fields.
– Few Bugs fixed.
– Not require all maps DLC.
– This mod can be complement/combined by other add-on maps (ProMods, RusMap, Project Balkans, TSM, EAA, etc.)
– More information look at the readme and my blogsite.
Hope you like and enjoying this mod without any problems. Thank you!
Special thanks to:
Euro Truck Simulator 2, all mods inspiring me, all of comments & suggestions, and more.
Дайте другую ссылку.
include daerah indonesia sebelah mana saja pak
Baca disini.
Кто залил на петушиный файлообменник?
Russian ######…
bro this map can combined with map jateng v2?
Try it by yourself.
V1.30.2 does not recognise the mod. The mod is ticked, but does not show up, in map
Bro I dont know why my lane is on the right, I thought it should be on left as it is indenesia
Ini emang peruntukan setir kiri ya? Bukan setir kanan?
very good map. Nowadays i finished add maps to ETS, because of crashes . After many experiences, i stopped add maps. So only Pj Indo, Southern Express and YKS Turkey, and no more headaches. this tree maps works great with original maps. Congtatulations for PJ Indo , is a great and stablr map. I will try to load with 1.31 in order to see if works well. PJ INdo 2.2 works great in 1.28 until i´ve been using today . Best regards, Leon Unger.
Nee enna here download ek ok
Her you’re