Poland Rebuilding is a map mod, that is an overlay, that turns boring Polish territories making them more interesting, real and demanding. Besides expanding the road network, it offers many new interesting cities, towns and villages to and from which you can easily take orders.
Version 2.4.1 is mainly maintenance update witch add support for new versions of ETS2 and PM. Besides that, this version adds new city – Kłodzko.
This modification REQUIRE:
* Promods 2.43
* DLC Going East, Scandinavia, Vive la France, Italia, Beyond the Baltic Sea.
* (2.4.1) Adapted map for ETS2 1.36 patch and ProMods 2.43
* (2.4.1) Bug fixes
* (2.4.1) Added missing accessories for Renault T
* (2.4.1) Added new city – Kłodzko
* (2.4.1) Added new models of signs and posts (I part)
DIESIRAE / GrakuPL / Michaleczeq / Djdarklighter / Sebavr6 / Jakczo
DOWNLOAD [mirror]
Thank you all very much indeed
Video Test 1.36…
es gibt da teiweise kiene strassen sondern nur abgrund wenn man darüber fahren möchte es wäre super wenn diese stellen überarbeitet werden können
Da wirst Du ins SCS-Forum müssen oder auf die Website von PR,
um dort auch die Details wie z.B. die gamelog zu posten.
Hier kann man so nichts machen.
Link: http://polandrebuilding.pl/en/
Thank you! Map is amazing. Great work! A pleasure to play them!
First I’d like to say what a stunning mod this is. The level of details is astonishing. That said, I also discovered a few bugs:
1. A railroadcrossing with the barriers closed, but no train ever came by. I waited for 5 minutes, but nothing happended. Reloading the game made no difference. Luckily I managed to use a small pavement on the left not covered by the barriers to escape 🙂
2. Five minutes later I drove into a town and the game crashed to desktop. Reloaded an autosave, came to the same spot and the game crashed again… It seems like the rendering of the scenery at that point glitched. I have not yet checked the gamelogs, and I will try to do it tonight.