This is Pro BD Map V8.3 Standalone Map. This map is updated recently. There are massive change in this update.
Whatever is going on in this update:
Major Change:
1. Ferry Area …
2. Ferry Time Change (Model taken from DLC Block C)
3. Jamuna Bridge Toll-End Pillar
4. Teesta Barrage.
5. Kumarakhali Bridge.
Route change:
1. Sirajganj-Pabna
2. Dhaka-Chittagong
3. Chittagong-Khagrachari-Sazek
4. Bogra-Rangpur
New City:
1. Sajek (Hill-Offroad)
2. Chittagong Rebuild
3. Mainstream Rebold
4. Chandina (small city)
Bug Fixed:
1. Rangpur-Dinajpur Road
2. Rajshahi-Sapahar
Please See The Review Of This Map:
Hopefully you guys will like it . Please make sure to share the video if you wish to share the map And always support me for work similar to this one!!!
Sultan Mahmud
Discription says it’s a standalone map, so no, it won’t work with promods.
hi im new on ets 2 . how can i play on this map
download map – save to mod folder – create new profile – play the map!
roextended map compatibiliy ????
meine güte die fahrweise die du hast sollte man dir den führereschein wegnehm so eine beklopte fahrweise die du da hinlegst mann mann ,Wenn du so in deine realen welt fährst prost mahlzeit
Whats the load order for this? my game v1.36 keeps crashing how ever i place the mod.
Use the profile included in the download zip, the mods are already in order there.
I Like This Map, However, There Are Flickering Textures, Can’t Go In Some Truck Stops Because There Is A Massive Kerb That I Can’t Get Up, I See The Markers To Pick Up The Trailer But Never Any To Drop Off Trailer When Trying To Complete A Delivery
Same here, after a long drive, destination company icon not activated to end the delivery… Too bad.. Once I abandon the delivery, the icon comes back again. No point in playing this map. Also, traffic speed is unrealistic. I’m 100% sure Bangladesh trucks do not drive at 100kmph.
how is that arranged ??
do we need any dlc?
esse mapa esta cheio de defeitos, 1 quando sai de alguma empresa, causa danos no caminhão, 2 tentei por varias vezes entregar a carga e não aparecia o ícone, e isso aconteceu em varias cidades, eu pegava a carga e ia sempre para mesma empresa de destino. tipo ctrl c ctrl v.
mod order is pro bd-map,model4,3,2,1,0,pro bd def don’t use passenger still i can only take delivery can’t drop off its not showing in map.
What dlcs i need
Used the profile provided with mod. Passenger trailers not available.. Can pick cargo in truck but cant drop them, so can not end delivery, as the icon to end delivery does not exist until cargo is abandoned. Traffic speed is unrealistic, Bangladeshi truck can not go at 100kmph.
So, in other words, map is unplayable and broken in 1.36 update. Do not spend time downloading the 1.36 version, as You can not pick passengers and can not drop cargo either.
Hi. its very good mod, love it, but missing some busse. can u write me what busses u using? thx a lot