Realistic water temperatures & oil pressure for Scania


Here is a small mod with realistic water temperatures and oil pressure.

Water temperature improvement :
BEFORE : When the engine is warm, the water temp. is set to 110°C (which is obviously unrealistic).
NOW : When the engine is warm, the water temp. is set to 90°C (at the middle).

Oil pressure improvement :
BEFORE : When you full throttle, the oil pressure gauge pass 7 bars. (which is obviously unrealistic).
AFTER : When you full throttle, the oil pressure doesn’t exceed 5,5 bars. And at the idle the needle shows 2 bars.

This mod works with :
RJL’s Scania’s (T and R-Streamline Modifications v1.1)
SCS’s R Series
SCS’s Streamline
R2008 50keda reworked by Matdom1988

– LHD & RHD versions supported.

Author: Matt_Streamline


7 thoughts on “Realistic water temperatures & oil pressure for Scania

  1. mafiozos68

    Good job! Thanks Matt

  2. Black13Gangs

    Nice is dat coming for all Trucks? ^^

  3. @dr_jaymz

    thanks! dude can you do it for all trucks? its very annoying seen the truck always overheated

  4. @dr_jaymz

    crash in 1.16.2

  5. This one will soon be redundant, it’s in an upcoming update for all default trucks of the game.

  6. Please tell me the mod of this image

  7. Possible to do one for the scania rjl too?
    Would also be cool to see all those indicators you have on that pic, like retarder and the axle lift.

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