Renault Magnum Dirty Skin


Dirty Skin for Renault Magnum Truck

Author: Stagg


10 thoughts on “Renault Magnum Dirty Skin

  1. Whats the Name of the Map?

    1. map of Hungary

  2. create for Iveco Hi-way plz
    thank u!

  3. Riyaz shaikh

    Thx thx THx & Thx Again.

  4. can you make it for new volvo pls? 🙂 tnx 🙂

  5. Stagg: well done, well you’re good at it thank you 🙂

  6. Sumerian_Demon

    whats the map on the background man!? what map are you using!?

  7. map of Hungary

  8. Stagg, can you please give me your graphic settings in the game as they look amazing

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