Renault Magnum Integral 390 + Interior 3.0


v3.0 (final)
– Bake truck .
– Fixed windshield mirror.

HaXwell, rus47tam, AU44, Stas556, Oleg_Conte, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815

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7 thoughts on “Renault Magnum Integral 390 + Interior 3.0

  1. bonjour HaXwell ,le lien ne fonctionne pas …fichier est corrompu ….pouvez vous faire le necessaire ..merci

  2. Hi as this truck now got the correct interior please reply

  3. when ever i use one of these magnums the interior camera is messed up. the view is behind the drivers seat, i cant see past it. i dont use camera mods so i dont know where the problem is

  4. does not work !!!

  5. Битый файл

  6. Качай с gamamod там все норм.

  7. haha….Integral with E-Tech interior…

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