Saints Row 3 Traffic Pack v 2.0

Saints Row 3 Traffic Pack (1) Saints Row 3 Traffic Pack (3) Saints Row 3 Traffic Pack (2)

Added auto Solar, Sovereign, Status Quo, Steelport municipal, Taxi.
Fixed bikes shadows.

All standalone, works on any maps.
Tested on 1.18.x version.
Do not reupload! Keep original link!

Author: alkonavt96


11 thoughts on “Saints Row 3 Traffic Pack v 2.0

  1. As always, excellent job alkonavt96! Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll go to test them. Keep up the great and hard work!

    1. alkonavt96

      Here you go! ^_^
      This is not final version. I’ll waiting for bugreports.

      1. As I said before, EXCELLENT work, alkonavt96! I test it and I saw that you fixed that “chrome” error in log file that you had it on your last models and also motorbikes shadows (my favorites!) . Congratulations, alkonavt96!
        I played a little, with Thalken’s mod enabled (Multiple AI Traffic v.1.1 mod), so I saw in traffic almost all of your models and I had only one error and one warning in log file:

        “Line 775: 00:15:09.229 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:” (unfortunately, I can’t see in log file on which model :(… Please, discover your model and fix it, because this ERROR made my right menu – that with options to adjust seats etc – to disappear!)


        “Line 770: 00:12:49.905 : Model in old format detected ‘/vehicle/ai/atlantica1/ai.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!”

        Anyway, above all this in log file, GREAT AI Traffic Pack mod, alkonavt96! Once again, CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the great and hard work!

  2. nice please pack .scs in much smallerbecause now is too big

    1. alkonavt96

      I don’t know how to do it 🙁

      1. Easy alkonavt96, when you import .zip and make output is .scs file you don’t need to use “store” then you can use “normal” or “best” to make your files lighter.

  3. А по одной можешь зделать???

    1. alkonavt96

      Здесь смотри –

      1. Спасибо, смотрел.

  4. ezra pratama

    great job , alkonavt 96 ! please convert cars from other games like GTA V

  5. niknor2015

    Сделайте, Пожалуйста, Этот мод для Версии 1.20. Очень мне Понравилась Эта модель?! Спасибо за Внимание!

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