Santiago de Compostela added V.4 (1.46)

This is the fourth part of my map.

It has been expanded with a new area that is accessed through the tunnel that links Romero Donallo Avenue with Mestre Mateo Street. I have also rebuilt most of the old areas to make it much more like reality. In this respect, I hope I have achieved a new level of realism and detail. I think I can now really say that my map represents Santiago de Compostela.

I have fixed all the compatibility issues with other maps, and with the different signs of those maps (thanks Jerry for your help, and thanks also to Promods forum).

I have also fixed all the bugs that were still present in the latest versión.

No errors or warnings in the game.log. Totally clean.

Well optimized. It works smoothly on even the least powerful computers.

Adapted for versión 1.46. Although it also works perfectly with the previous versión.



3 thoughts on “Santiago de Compostela added V.4 (1.46)

  1. Sandrine

    It’s a small but magnificent map. Very well done and taking care of every detail. I love it. You can tell that there are many hours invested in it.

  2. Eres un fiera, gracias por crear este mod

  3. Ola, Edsor
    O pasado xuño (do 22) descobrín o teu excelente traballo con Santiago de Compostela. Noraboa. Esta é a terceira vez que intento contactar contigo. Polo que leo en varios comentarios aquí e acolá, tamén hai cousas nas que che podería aportar a miña experiencia. Fixen un mapa completo de Galicia (incluída Santiago, por suposto) para a versión 1.18. Agora estou facendo outras partes de Galicia no DLC Iberia (Vigo, Redondela, O Porriño, Ourense, A Gudiña e Viana do Bolo), incluídas empresas galegas e anuncios nas estradas, cidades e vilas (choio por un tubo de Photoshop) e quizais che gustaría probar o meu mapa por privado (de momento, porque Vigo está sen rematar, e tamén teño Verín en construción) para cambiar experiencias, se che parece ben. Nese caso, escríbeme ao meu correo. Son Xangal e o correo é: [email protected] Un saúdo

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