Paste the file (C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2)
NEW UPDATE (v.1.2):
138 milion €
244 Trucks
149,000 km mileage
52 garage
41 level
81% Open Map
Free Cam Control:
Activation of the game by pressing “0”, the movement numeric keypad!
Moving truck to the designated place “F9”
Changelog (v.1.1):
Added: Free Cam, part save game!
121 milion €
203 Trucks
144,000 km mileage
43 garage
41 level
76% Open Map
Changelog (v.1.0):
109 milion €
195 Trucks
140,000 km mileage
39 garage
41 level
Thank you and congrats 🙂
Could you please upload the save without your trucks? With all the garages but without trucks 🙂
No, sorry…
Crower, i’m really sorry about you…
Some brains you have???
I asked that because to use that profile as a test profile and decrease the loading time.
So at the end we have an answer for your question: you have a brain in your a** only purpose is sh*t.
If you answer that reply your whole family!!! Really tired of these retarded children on that site.
How change speed of movement in free cam?When i press num 8 its to fast does it possible reduce speed?
Move to your documents ( C : \ Users \ username \ Documents ) and open the folder with the name of the game. In this directory there is a file config.cfg . The open , for example, use Notepad and edit the following notation :
g_developer “0” g_developer “1”
In the same file, you can adjust the speed of the camera. For this purpose g_flyspeed The variable ” 30″ . The value of 30 specifies a relatively low speed. Reasonable range is from 1 – 1000. The higher the value , the faster the camera .
Translated via Google
čauky mam problem, nejde mi tvuj profil, mám novější patch – a dcl jen na východ. poradíš mi díky
Well it wouldn’t work for me. You should add in the description that this save requires DLC.
can you re-upload it without going east please? I dont have it so I cant play it…