Scania 113H v 3.0 23/02/2014Trucks Report Abuse Share a video × Share YouTube video Do you have a video review of this mod? Fill this form and share a video. We share max 3 videos for one mod. Your email address Youtube video address By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. Scania 113H Truck Tested version Authors: Geovane Rocha, Vitor Moraes, Akmir Carrara DOWNLOAD 20 MB « Previous mod Next mod »
dont work
WTH is this ..?.. It’s terrible ..
Why dont u show us your mods then Bocko!!! probably top of the line ey?!!
No shadow. If you do not know how to make a mod, please, don’t do. This mod is awful.
Não há sombra. Se você não sabe fazer um mod, não o faça. É perda de tempo e esse está horrível, parece um gemão.
Anyone know where I can get those wheels please?