-New mirror color
-New light box
-New light red
-New color grill
-Problem solved sound
-Anaheim and mr.poland
-By ManuBe98
-New mirror color
-New light box
-New light red
-New color grill
-Problem solved sound
-Anaheim and mr.poland
-By ManuBe98
I’m still waiting for the orginal 2008 interior for this truck :p
Like this one:
Or this one, not too sure what exactly year it is:
http://i.imgur.com/NccDYqe.jpg this one will be correct for the Scania 5th sereis ( aka Scania R2008 or Scania R1) but actually there is the 5th series interior ready for ETS 2 , but only in different mod :/ https://ets2.lt/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Scania-R-2008+Interior-2.jpg
Yeah, i got that truck. But this one is just better in my opinion. More customisations and such, only reason i dont use this one is cause of the interior :/
and another problem is that there is a option for 730hp engine, meanwhile in real life the 5th series scania could only go up to 620hp, and also the hp markings are bad, the other scania r2008 has realistic looking markings, but this one uses the same default looking hp markings which looks like they are printed into the game on New Roman 2 font. the real hp markings looks like this http://www.scania.com.au/_system/img/highres/191627_highres_08451-042.jpg
when there will be option for headlights, being tired of the H4 lights, maybe H7 lighst next time? that would be awesome, also a longline cab would be awsome 😉
I dont know who is the author of this mod but there is a bug with the blinker that when you put blinker it puts hazard lights on too!
do i need 7zip to get mod says missing
How to remove this awful sound?
How to remove this awful sound ?
some one can me writhe why i have crash everytime with this nice addon?
If i start the engine comes ETS2 to crash
possibly bugged sound, try redownload it from here http://www.mediafire.com/download/akf4pqrj013v9i3/ZZzzzzzz+Scania+all+series+V8+%26+NEW+L6+sound+Version+7.1.rar
00:01:04.079 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck_dealer_uk/scania.sii’:
00:01:04.079 : [unit] The pointer to ‘_nameless.243d.ssss’ looks like dangling pointer.
00:01:04.079 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck_dealer_uk/scania.sii’:
00:01:04.079 : [unit] The unit ‘_nameless.03EA.BEE0’ of type ‘vehicle’ has dangling pointer (to ‘_nameless.243d.ssss’) in the attribute named ‘accessories’.
00:01:04.080 : load_unit_tree() – Failed to load unit tree from file (/def/vehicle/truck_dealer_uk/scania.sii)
Please Help Me