Scania RJL 5-Series New Gauges R12 + Piva Display – v 2.0


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Realistic textures to get the best visual experience.

Alexander Swift & Piva


21 thoughts on “Scania RJL 5-Series New Gauges R12 + Piva Display – v 2.0

  1. Good works !!!!
    Scania sound is fantastic.

  2. Pat Stringer

    Mod sound is private? SVP

  3. Can you give a link to the sound please

  4. Francesco

    very nice!

  5. Hi! You can ask for mod on this Scania? Thank you!

  6. Евгений

    why I do not have a sound GPS navigator?

  7. Извиняюсь!А в чём отличие от этой версии-

    1. CaptIISilveR

      Внимательно прочитай названия одного и второго мода и всё поймёшь.

  8. where can I find the sound mod like yours?

  9. lordmodets2

    it exists in real life or is a project of yours?

  10. lordmodets2

    this sound truck is not the Freightliner FLB ?

  11. MilanScania

    Can you make this without clock for mph? Just km/h? Please 😀

  12. Ребят, дайте пожалуйста, ссылку на саму эту Сканию.

  13. tres agréable merci a vous qui rendez le jeu plus realiste

  14. Looks great, only one complain. I’ve been in quite a few scanias at diffrent companies, and I’ve never seen a scania with white backlight on the buttons. Its always been green, and when using this mod, it does ruin the look of the old 5 series dash, which is suposed to be all green. So I’m just sugesting you to change it back to white, seems more realistic that way.

    But all this is just from my point of view

    1. @matpol98, just delete the file ‘dashboard_color.sui’, which is found at def\vehicle\truck\\interior.

  15. Why doesn’t it work for me?

  16. dont work 1.28

  17. please update

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