This is a metallic skin for the Scania T Long Line of Henki73 and RJL.
The installation is very simple, you just need the .scs file Copy your modfolder,
the can be found at “C: \ Users \ NAME \ Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ mod”.
Then you activate the mod easily in your profile, done!
PhilipKnuettel, Henki73 & RJL
DOWNLOAD 52 MB [mediafire]
DOWNLOAD 52 MB [sharemods]
do you have the link for the wheels?
Тебе [url=]сюда[/url].
I think they are from 50keda. Try search above with “50k” and “wheels”.
It’s the Michelin Multiway 3D Wheels Mod by BigT(
The Skin for the Wheels is made by me and it’s privat. 😉