First of all, if it’s such a ###### skin, why did you download it? now, I don’t think that my age has something to do with the fact that I forgot to uncheck the option to password protect the skin mod.
why do yo need that my skin isn’t protected when you could make your own skin and upload it to this site? did you know that there is an unlocker for the .scs files? did you? stop beeing such a kid and use google to solve your problems insted of making ###### comments in the mods of other people that at least has something to offer. have a nice day mate and merry xmas. 🙂
there is no 10×6, 10×8 or 10×10 chassis for the scania t, there’s just a 10×4 chassis and it comes with the last version of the mod, the 1.5.1 that you can download from here —>
Make this skin for Renault Magnum Excellence, really need, thanks in advance.
sure, no problem mate.
Dear Mole,
Why did you put a password to this ###### looking skin?
How old are you, 5?!
First of all, if it’s such a ###### skin, why did you download it? now, I don’t think that my age has something to do with the fact that I forgot to uncheck the option to password protect the skin mod.
why do yo need that my skin isn’t protected when you could make your own skin and upload it to this site? did you know that there is an unlocker for the .scs files? did you? stop beeing such a kid and use google to solve your problems insted of making ###### comments in the mods of other people that at least has something to offer. have a nice day mate and merry xmas. 🙂
Hi! Sorry for my English. Where it is possible to download that chassis (6×10, 8×10 or 10×10) for Longline?
there is no 10×6, 10×8 or 10×10 chassis for the scania t, there’s just a 10×4 chassis and it comes with the last version of the mod, the 1.5.1 that you can download from here —>
Big Thanks!
Hello, can you make this sticker bomb skin on Iveco Hi-Way? of Volvo FH-12.
I had to download that 10×4 before this mod because they look so epic together.