Schwarzmueller SPA 3E “beta”

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Version 1.36.xx
Ownable trailers
Company paintjob system
Ai traffic (55 skins)
Advanced coupling
Animation brace
Animation cables

Model & Convert by Ventyres
Axles by Loogie, Holli, Ventyres
Wheel Abasstreppas
Jost Legs by mr.poland, Ventyres
Textures by Pauli/Nordisch, de_ben, pumizo, Arnaud57/Arnook, Ventyres
Skins by DaStig
3D-Rework by MarcDo


20 thoughts on “Schwarzmueller SPA 3E “beta”

  1. Thats my rework i havent allowed to Upload it..

  2. Thanks to all the authors and to Matdom 1988 for this
    update. Dear FreD_ we would be very pleased to use your mods too, we are not second-class people we are the same as those of the other forums or Steam (where you can steal the mods without problems).
    I respect your thoughts even if I don’t agree.
    I salute you and hope in the future to comment on your work here.

  3. matdom1988

    Fred_’s little ##### had the link removed. She will come back, don’t worry

    1. Ciao Matdom1988,downloaded it this morning, thank you and wait for your other works, many new people don’t know, FreD modifies the mods of other authors and then becomes owner.

      1. show me an example?

  4. I forgot why Matdom1988 should ask you for permits? this trailer also updated it some time ago and your name did not appear in the credits, I remember MarcDo as the main author.
    I have known Matdom for almost 10 years and is a very correct person
    and he has made his time available to everyone without ever asking for anything.

    1. Wow not bad, who are you? His Fanboy? I asked after 1.28 MarcDo in his Thread if i can do a rework of the Spa3e and he gave me Permission to do so. There were 2 different mods.. now mdmodder (yes you are a big piece of #### in this community) took my rework and updated it.. if he would have told me – i dont care.. but he just did without any information so i will remove it every time i see it because this guy has no respect..

      FreD modifies the mods of other authors and then becomes owner.
      What you want to tell me with this? Should i send you Screenshots of what i “reworked”? XD pls if you dont know me – or my work shut up, thx.

      1. matdom1988

        I don’t see how it bothers you, you didn’t even update it.
        I was banned 2 weeks from the forum.
        No problem, I will resume the lower version of the one you have modified, so that no more problems, friend.
        Too bad you react like that, just for an update, nothing more.

      2. Ok I answer your questions:
        1- my name is Zoso, I’m not a modder and I’m not a skinner and I know this game from the first ETS is enough?
        2- I am nobody’s fanboy (in all these years maybe some author I know him!) MDModding is very well known and you have written something not true.
        3- owner? I noticed that you did the same thing a few weeks ago with an old Schmitz trailer, I used many but I never saw your name (I’d like to use your version but without paying)
        4- I have no problem with you and I don’t need proof of your work.
        If I have to talk or shut up I can DECIDE ONLY ME.
        As a very polite person I greet you.

        1. Thomas cook

          Ehy ###### crackwhore, whats your problem? Take this mod offline you ###### #######, this isnt yours! You are very lucky that I dont know where you live….

        2. ???

        3. @Zoso
          The old Schmitz Trailer you mention there – Catalin Mihai took Parts of my S.CS Universal put them in 3 Different Trailers and made one of it. So it isnt allowed to Publish it. I never took a mod which doesnt belong to me and make it mine. I was always asking for Permissions. And since i do my own Stuff i never needed to “take” a Mod from others.. because i know how to build.

          1. Ciao FreD_, we explained each other and the discussion has already lasted a long time (closed for me)
            I hope we become friends more than before ? the good ?the bad, the ugly?.

  5. Thank you, Mat, for this Update. 5*

    I´ve got it and we will use it first in our VTC. ?

    1. Kevin Naldony

      wie ein richtiger spasti – das ist der JoachimK war schon immer so unterstützt immer die die am klauen und lügen sind!

  6. JGaming HD

    Hd video 1.36…

    1. Scheiß Community bleibt scheiß Community.
      Danke habe fertig.

    2. This is an incorrect action that I don’t agree with.

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