Skin Pasta v 1.0

Adds a trailer to the game with the skin “Pasta”
Weight – 20000 kg
Tested on 1.36.x version



One thought on “Skin Pasta v 1.0

  1. godofredo

    Lo tuyo es hacer el ridículo, fight000, te estamos pidiendo en los comentarios que porfavor que dejes de publicar estos horribles skins que ni un niño de 5 años haría tan horribles y simples, y que desprestigian el sitio donde aparecen, y tu nada, sígues y sígues.
    Yours is to make a fool of yourself, fight000, we are asking you in the comments that please stop publishing these horrible skins that not even a 5-year-old would do so horrible and simple, and that they discredit the place where they appear, and you nothing, follow and follow.

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