Q : What’s ‘South Korea Adventure Map’?
A : South Korea Offroad Map + Island Map + Panjelajers Indonesia Map + Eldorado Map
Q : Standalone Map or Add-on Map?
A : Add-on Map
Q: Why is it required to have DLC(dlc_east, dlc_north) to use this map?
A: It is required because Eldorado Map is using models, prefabs, roads, tunnels and many other things from DLC(dlc_east, dlc_north)
◈ Special thanks to ‘Island Map Author : Bogdan Evdokimovich’
◈ Special thanks to ‘Panjelajers Indonesia Map Author : Septian MR’
◈ Special thanks to ‘Eldorado Map Author : Elvis Felix’
ETS2 South Korea Adventure Map v3.0 : 2015-11-21
License : LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License)
New in v3.0
ㆍAdded Eldorado Map(26 Cities) : Necessary DLC(dlc_east, dlc_north)
ㆍ Compatibility Test : ETS2 v1.21
ㆍ Necessary DLC(dlc_east, dlc_north)
ㆍ Compatibility with other maps : Compatible with All Maps
(ex : Promods, TSM, Rus etc)
ㆍ Speed Testing Road & Physics Testing Ground
ㆍ South Korea Offroad Map(18 Cities) + Island Map(7 Cities) + Panjelajers Indonesia Map (20 Cities) + Eldorado Map(26 Cities)
ㆍ QnA : http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=194523
ㆍ File Name : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_south_korea_adventure_map.scs, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_south_korea_adventure_map_promods_fix.scs
How to use
ㆍWithout Promods : 1 file( zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_south_korea_adventure_map.scs )
step 1. Copy 1 file.
step 2. In ‘My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod’ folder, Paste 1 File.
step 3. In Game, Activate 1 file.
Step 4. Please go to the calais of France and use the ferry.
ㆍWith Promods : 2 files( zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_south_korea_adventure_map.scs, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_south_korea_adventure_map_promods_fix.scs )
step 1. Copy 2 files.
step 2. In ‘My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod’ folder, Paste 2 files.
step 3. In Game, Activate 2 files.
Step 4. Please go to the calais of France and use the ferry.
Hemil, Bogdan Evdokimovich, Septian MR, Elvis Felix
South Korea Adventure Map v3.0 crashed with TSM6.1.
Sooner, it will release the v3.1 the problem is fixed.
thank you new version 3.1, ok
parabens , pelo mod , vai funcionar com o mario mapa .obrigado
espero que voce consiga fazer tambem com os mapas que sugeri , pois assim ficaria muito bom o jogo sem ter que fazer novos perfis , e deixaria o jogo muito mais completo .obrigado
Good morning, hemil, tested the new version of the map korea adventure 3.1, he is compatible with all the maps of my game (Mario map, rusmap, open space, EAA, baltic, serpentine, nohighway, China (Taiwan), TAS, korea adventure 3.1). thank you
Ps: I think the position (sector) Eldorado map could look like the original. OK thank you
Work fine v3.1.
Maybe connect with EAA map 🙂