South of Russia 2 map


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Amazing map with realistic places (everything was done like on google maps).
Tested 1.15.
How to install you can read in archive.

SimKA, DeXtor, Andrey M. I Tomas.


Video from few places:

53 thoughts on “South of Russia 2 map

  1. it works with TSM Map??

  2. Братей Ваха

    Ёпанка это , а не карта.
    Дороги как дороги. Дорога и поля. А назвать как хош можно.
    Хоть Мухосранск – Житомир – через Пензу)

    1. А какая по Вашему карту не представляет из себя “Дороги как дороги. Дорога и поля”.Просто интересно к чему мне стремиться во время строительства карты.

      1. Карта отличная, никого не слушай, на всех не угодишь! Считаю что по достоверности ваша карта занимает первое место однозначно, от Краснодара до Джубги как в реальности проехал, а я там не ездил с 2008 года. Очень хочется продолжения на Адлер и через Майкоп на Туапсе через Шаумян:)

  3. EJTruckingINC

    Does it work with ProMods Map?

  4. EJTruckingINC

    and is it compatible with Russia Map Ver 1.4.7

  5. does anyone know how to get these driving cameras like in video

    1. Bharat RAj

      Yes you can get this camera from the below link

  6. link don t work

  7. Whats the name of the first song in first video ?

    1. Dalnobojschik

      The Song is:

      Игорь Тальков – Солнце Уходит На Запад

      1. Thanks!

  8. SimKA, DeXtor, Andrey M. I Tomas
    privetstvuju vas dorogije moi v mir ets2
    mne kvam prosba, mogli bi sozdat kartu dlja mir igri ets2 dlja latvi RIGA LATVIA XOCHU PROJEXATCA PO SVOJEMU GORODU.
    [email protected]

    1. LV: Domāju, ka nevajadzēs, jo ProMods jau sāka taisīt visu Baltiju, tostārp arī Latviju ETS2 pasaulē. Viņi jau uzbūvējuši Igauniju un arī Latvijas pilsētu Valka, un tas viss drīz tiks pieejāms spēlētājiem. Parējas Baltijas pilsētas tiks uzbūvēti velāk.

      RU: Думаю, что не придётся, т.к. ProMods уже начала строить всю Прибалтику, в том числе и Латвию в ETS2 мире. Они уже построили Эстонию и латвийский город Валка, и это всё скоро будет доступно игрокам. Остальные прибалтийский города будут построены позже.

      ENG: I think, that they shouldn’t, because ProMods has already started to build the whole Baltics (even Latvia), to ETS2 world. They has already built Estonia and latvian town Valka, and soon all this stuff will avaiable to players. Other baltic’s cities will builded later.

  9. Ptkmlk220596

    Plese list of the city

  10. 06_Jenia_99

    It is compatible with TSM map 5.3.1 and maps Romania and Russia 1.4.7?

    1. Абдуленно

      Нет, автор сказал что карта никак не связывается через другие карты а также через DLC.

  11. TurboTrucker

    Not compatible with anything. You have to start a new profile, start ETS2 then click on rus.mdb. Problem is that this rus.mdb file is nowhere to be found. Mod doesn’t work. Don’t waste your time on downloading.

    1. TurboTrrucker

      It works. Instead of Europe choose Rus.mdb in your profilesettings. Not compatible with any other map though.

  12. map works fine but all over the map files and model loading size can be smaller if possible to make and discovered places all over the map can drive in or pass,makeing this disovered for the map. So far is map good and of course is much to do and fix errors and problem what is all over the map. Keep up working author and please make map to ad-on the TSM and Rus map 1.4.7 working.I hope future is one make North russia and other south russia if this is ok.

  13. ojciecmajster

    What is the name mod, which change sky?

  14. inside of the RAR file is a zip file. this has to be unzipped to get to the scs files. you end up with 6 scs files when completed. activate these files and start a new profile. keep mod files out of the startup other than the new 6 you start with because the files used conflict with jazzycat files. After you get your first truck bought then slowly add mod to see what will work.

  15. Developers you need to tidy up the bushes and trees next to some roads as the are too close and you have to run through them (not very desirable condition to have to go back later when map gets huge !!!) The road design is tough to do at rapid rate as I found out by major wrecks 5 times during 2 hour run. This map shows potential and experienced not game crashes throughout. Well done. Waiting to see more developments coming.

    1. Thanks for the tip ! In the next patch will be corrected . Good game 🙂

  16. Please make compatibile with Russia Map Ver 1.4.7!!!

  17. Does not work with: TSM; TSM v.1.15.1, with Mao v.1.47.1 Rus, ……. even with a new profile. So it does not work with anything !!!

    1. select rus.mbd base map and select example city what game choose automatical

  18. Experimental Trucker

    Hello. Is this map the same on as this?
    Kuban Freedom Map 2 v 0.3

    1. Да,это та же самая карта.Точно такая же.

      1. please make longer cargo expiring time moment expires too fast

    2. Yep, they are the same..

  19. I think it is. Zip files have the same name.

  20. kuban map ile aynı harita arkadaşlar.bilginz olsun.

  21. i exctract files and i get 6 different SCS and i must say model 1,2,3 is damaged and license and def_world is damaged too!

    1. make sure you extract the zip file with zip extractor not rar extractor. this is common problem

  22. I became an entrepreneur, not to ride (work) or a city.

  23. it seems very, very huge file to download and have just few cities. is it correct?


    What’s the first song called in the second video?

  25. Coming from a real life truck driver in the USA the map is a great map. I love that you have to off the normal roads to make your delivery. I like that the game miles is 6 miles to 1 real time minute. Makes for good realism. Please authors keep that type of stuff coming. It does seem I can only get loads back and forth to the same area though but Im sure that will be fixed. Keep it up and hopefully this map won’t be abandoned and never get finished.

  26. ExperimentalTrucker

    Here’s some deliveries done within the map….

    Quick Job #1
    105 Km run

    Quick Job #2
    90km run

    Quick Job #3
    97km run

    Free Roam Adventure
    Discovering the rest of the undriven roads…..
    Had a crash to desktop from running into a unfinished part
    of the road…

  27. карта классная. ребята в правильном направлении движутся.таким темпом и вся россия будет на карте.

  28. Есть сохранение для этой карты?

  29. Сергей

    А он идет с версией Сделал все точно также как и по инструкции, она не робит, пишет, или не совместимость с версией, или нет указанного длс и т.п

  30. says no file in download link

  31. does it work on 1.14?

  32. Совесть

    А можно перезалить на нормальный обменник типа яндекса или мейл. В данный момент файл вообще отсутствует

  33. please can some body

  34. please can some body a good working down load
    link to down load south of russia 2 map went to down load from here it says no file.


  35. looks so booring not even going to download at 1.5gb for that rubbidh

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