Stock Sound Pack for all 6 cylinder engines


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This Mod is based on file “Sound Pack” by “Stewen”.
I edited and tweaked all files brought together by Stewen and added some new and realistic diesel engine sounds which were created by “paulnice”.

– Valid for all 6 cylinder engines, not suitable for V8, open or straight pipe freaks
– Mod changes environmental sounds
– Realistic individual blinker sounds for each truck

The engine sounds are quite similar to each other. They vary especially regarding the volume of turbo fans. Sorry for the long video…

Stewen, Bra2S, paulnice, Kriechbaum, Stas556, Knox_xxs, Lamandus, Icemann29


10 thoughts on “Stock Sound Pack for all 6 cylinder engines

  1. Here is link to Video of my mod:

  2. simoschmitz

    You think an a real truck sounds like this shitt?

    1. kriechbaum

      Great sound drholz.

    2. Hey Kriechbaum can you make a V6 Sound mod for the DAF XF 105 ? 🙂

  3. Как звучат звуки у каждого грузовика в игре-это не важно!?Главное,что звуки Хороши.
    Молодцы,создатели данного мода!!!
    Вчера,благодаря этому моду-звуков,играл всю ночь.Никак не мог оторваться.
    Хотя,каждому свое.

  4. i like the sound but NOT all the 6 cylinders engine sounds the same… no tires/bearings sound neither

  5. There are tire sounds included…

  6. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to put this sound mod together. I really like it!!

  7. this is the best sound for ets2 i love !!!!!!

  8. great sound 🙂

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