Tokyo Bayshore v 1.0

wangan03 wangan02 wangan01

Welcome to Greater Tokyo.

1/3 Large scale Shutoko Bayshore Route map mod.
DLC Going East and Scandinavia required.

You can accept little job on Wangan-sen between Tokyo to Yokohama.

Shutoko ”Wangan-sen” (meaning of Bayshore Line in Japanese) is one of the fastest and widest specification road in Greater Tokyo.
It had constructed in 1976-2001 between Chiba-Tokyo-Kanagawa.
Almost its route was planned on the new land reclamation of Tokyo Bay, and the road directly connecting Both of Tokyo Port and Yokohama Port there has massive Logistics and Industrial area.

Wangan is fast, but not a simple one.
It has many slopes by Sub-sea tunnels and huge Bridges build for Large ship traffics.and lot of the complicated Junctions is connecting to many direction of Inner city Expressways.

Author: Koutsu


16 thoughts on “Tokyo Bayshore v 1.0

  1. Robert Dee

    I would like to help You creating this map. I’m from Poland but since 3 years I live in Sendai. Write me, please, to: [email protected]

  2. Robert Dee

    Where is my comment? 🙁

    I would like to help You creating this map. I’m from Poland but since 3 years I live in Sendai. Write me, please, to: [email protected]

    1. You must refresh after posting, than you can see it…
      I have this all the Time.

  3. Compatible with which Maps/DLC ???

    1. ffgameszocker

      This Map is Standalone
      You need Scandinavia and Going East DLC

  4. craZyblaZe

    I like the map, but it only has 2 cities…. And those 2 cities aren’t that much detailed…. 🙁
    But i’m still looking forward for future updates. 🙂

    1. Hi. I’m Japanese, and know that this person.
      This map is made by one person.
      He has been modeling in one original building and road.
      The production will take time.
      But he’s making hard.
      If you want to give to cheer him.

      1. Robert Dee

        Could You contact me with him? I want to help him.
        My e-mail is [email protected]

        1. HI, Im Koutuu.
          Do you have a Twitter account?
          @KoutuuHAGE is mine.(dont caring Lavrov)

          I have some e-mail address… but those are for business use.
          I can response quickly if you can contact me at twitter.

          and I`m welcome any support!!

          1. Robert Dee

            I have no idea how to contact you here. I have this account,but I’m not using this… Maybe Facebook: ?

  5. enjoyed the show , please leave it compatible and complementary to other maps will be very good. thank you

  6. What ETS2 version does it suppose to work with ?

    1. This Version compatible 1.23x only.
      But it works well in 1.24x(You have to edit some mod version texts)

      And I`m working next release v1.1 now for this weekend.
      It will be support ETS1.24x, fix some details and small expansion.

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