Trailer with Tractors

Trailer-with-Tractors-1 Trailer-with-Tractors-2

Trailer with 2 Fendt Tractors

Author: Micha-BF3


7 thoughts on “Trailer with Tractors

  1. GamerHacker

    Standalone? 😀

  2. This is a standalone trailer, also available in traffic.

  3. Very nice trailer, and highly detailed too.

    Looks a challenge to pull through tight streets.

    Thank you Micha-BF3

  4. biochazard

    can i add this mod without starting a new game?
    i heard from somone that some standalone mods do work without sterting all over again

  5. Farm Simulater

  6. This is also a 1.9.xx version mod, so will have LOD errors and also truck\trailer connection warnings from the physics engine.

    SCS supply free updates to both the Steam version and the purchased CD’s. Any mods still made using the older version,, why?
    The update is free for those with genuine activation codes.

  7. Doesn’t work for my game

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