Tricky Map v 1.2

Tricky-Map-v-1.2-2 Tricky-Map-v-1.2-1

Version 1.2:
– Add all the new cities included in Going East DLC: Ostrava, Budapest, Debrecen, Bansk Bystrica, Kosice, Bialystock, Gdansk, Katowice, Krakow, Lodz, Lublin, Olsztyn and Warszawa, for a total of 54 new parking areas

Author: ilratte


11 thoughts on “Tricky Map v 1.2

  1. Nice! Thanks for the update!

  2. it works with TSM Map??

  3. Geht leider nicht auf der TSM Map.Wäre aber cool,wenn sie es komplatibel machen könnten

  4. Ty for feedback mates 8) Om! I’ll take care about compatibility in the next versions… back soon on trickymap website for further updates 8) o7 !

    1. That would be really great if that would work.

  5. Does this mod work on 1.13.3 game version ?

    1. Really i don’t know mate, but i think no. You should download and try… filesize is small and trickymap will not cause damage to your game in case of incompatibility.

  6. D Trucking

    Nice you done edited the delivery area. work also on promod without damage your profile

  7. tell me from this card will work Roads Brazil Map (Mapa RBR) v 1.0.7 ?

  8. Author: ilratte what mulches?

  9. Czy będzie działać na 1.15

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