Truck Shop v.7


Working with 1.2.5 – 1.3.1 versions.
Author: maghetto704


35 thoughts on “Truck Shop v.7

  1. not working

    1. ITS WORK 🙂

  2. I see the chasis, can put on things as shown in pictures but tyres wont show in correct posistion and rear even missing tyres! i have disabled any other mods, but things wont change.

    1. unionpacific13

      restart the game first

  3. Lalalalaalalalalalaalalala

    To see the changes with the tyres in real postion you need to buy the tandem and quit the game and then start it again 🙂

  4. You are right! after game restart it works properly! 🙂

  5. Nickelback

    It’s not working for me…version 1.3.1 🙂

  6. steve white

    doesn’t show ingame for me on v1.3.1

  7. Does not work on v1.3.1

  8. biochazard

    it looks horribel really bad dose rims also ####

    1. do better 🙂

    2. *horrible *those

  9. i have 1.3.0 and showing up fine! check the chasis section!
    And if u dont like it, then dont use it! Or maybe then make smthing better if u can!!!!!!!

  10. Nickelback

    I look at the chassis section, but it’s not there…Maybe it’s because of some other mod’s I use…!?

  11. please tell me where to find a load for tandem trailers without

  12. yes, i also like to know
    where to get the load for the tandem

  13. Yes this mod is most likely to conflict with other mods, i can tell that by previous versions, to get the load on tandem, first u select the chasis, then quit shop, restart game, go back and at the section where you choose, led, lights, horns etc, u will see a dot in the middle of the back chassis, click it there u should see loads.

  14. ####, I thought the trailer setup in the top picture (black, red & white) was a proper B-double (used here in Australia) but it appears the A trailer (front) is rigid =[

    Still, thankyou for being innovative with your mod.

  15. Bart van Ham

    Yes, the dollies of the trailers are rigid.
    That’s why a modder should always keep in mind;

    “If it can;t be done properly, don’t do it.”

  16. These kind of mods are total mess! Everyone using same parts, same textures, you don’t know what is what in it…one for Scania, for DAF, for Volvo…and game crash, delete all mods, start new profile, guaranteed!

  17. Can this be used with normal cabin? I don’t want fullpait cabin because it messes up textures…

  18. Voor de Nederlanders, mod werkt alleen als je mod download voor tandem.
    En D positiona of zo iets dat is Rechts! en S positiona is Links!! voor de lampen bedoel ik dan.

  19. PruneJuice

    🙂 This mod has a POS rating of 9.7 🙂

  20. AussieKenworth

    When I don’t have another trailer attached, the tandem trailer’s rear wheels are sinking beneath the road some times and getting stuck. Sometimes the truck then flips back onto it’s roof!

    Other than that, was having fun driving it. Would be more fun if both the trailers were turnable. Two normal trailers coupled together not one normal trailer at the back and one fixed to the truck chassis.

  21. AussieKenworth

    Also watch out for the Channel Tunnel train if you are using a tandem.

    I had a fixed chrome tank on the body of the truck, pulling another tanker trailer. When it transported me to the other side (to France from England) it threw my truck (and trailers) up into the air.

  22. Fitri H. Fazir

    The tandem works fine but i have missing tailights and
    small lights. Can anyone help?

    1. dimitris siropoylos

      το mod ειναι αστερι μπραβο σου φιλε.ταιριαζει απολυτα με εκδοση 2.5.1.

  23. i cant use the lights 🙁 please help me!

  24. does not working on version 1.3.1

  25. great mod works perfectly you should make this mod work with volvo and daf as well also if possible you should try and make the trailer the correct size but still this mod is great would recommend downloading!

  26. Great mod but can you make it so it still has the mirror on the front of the truck please. Thanks

  27. when ever i try to get the tandem customization for the chassis the wheels are not where the should be! please help!!

  28. nevermind!

  29. Great mod it works, but after a couple of deliveries which are 30 hrs long it starts to crash the game frequently and I get set back couple 10 hrs from my trip.

    Game Version: 1.3.1s

  30. miguel angel londoño gil


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