T R U C K S I M – M A P 5.3.1 for Patch 1.15.x
Changes against the previous version:
No new cities! The new cities from the SCS Patch are still not included in the map. We’re working on it.
Changelog from 23.12.2014 :
all reported Bugs are fixed
Map adjusted to Patch 1.15
If you want to play our map you need at least Patch 1.15!! These Mapversion cannot be played with Patchversion 1.14.xx or before!!!
Cancel or finish your current delivery and edit your profile.
Deactive the old mods and activate the new ones.
Then delete the old parts from you modfolder.
We have splitted our map in six parts:
The six parts are shown in the gamelog.txt as „5.3.1“
These map is not compatible with other maps!
You shouldn’t have any other map in your map directory!
Credits: (and much Thanks! to)
SCS Software for the GroundMap
50keda for the new companies Sellplan und Kaarfor
FLD/TZ for the Prefabs und Models (onyl for using in this map)
kamaz for signs
Reislord for signs
valera_t – for some Map Model
satan19990 for his great Map Models
Waggi74 for the pictures
2X2 for the new car licence plates
mAn_Trucker for companys
diverbaer for the ‚extreme bridge‘
Carinthian for the rebuilt of Frankfurt, Tripolis and Aalborg.
If we have someone forgotten here, please leave us a note. We will mention you in you next version.
We wish all users driving without any crumples and wrinkles!
Your TSM Team
All Trucksim MODS from Trucksim Map Team are offered under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Licence.
If you require further permissions you must contact us under TruckSim – Map.
It is only allowed to supply this mod via the given downloadlinks!
It is absolutely forbidden to host this mod on any other filehosters.
It is allowed to distribute the bitly.com Bundle in public.
In this way you support our Project TruckSimMap.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute themodified material.
No other Download Hoster – It is only allowed to publish this work with the given Downloadlinks provided only by the TSM Team.
For Comments, Additions, Gratulations, Wishes and Suggestions you can always contact us via theforum under TruckSim – Map or sent us a mail to [email protected].
Find us on facebook under facebook.com/TrucksimMap
SCS Software, 50keda, FLD/TZ, kamaz, Reislord, valera_t, satan19990, Waggi74, 2X2, mAn_Trucker, diverbaer, Carinthian
Vielen Dank für das tolle Weihnachtsgeschenk an das TSM-Team.
Frohe Weihnachten
Merry XMas
Joyeux Noel
I want to map version 5 and up for the game v1.9.22
It’s not possible. Sorry.
Somehow it’s glitchy?
You must use the newest Winrar/7zip.
Thanks guys, It’s my christmas gift ! 🙂
der gleiche müll wie die vorgängerversionen auch, voller fehler . ständig fährt man irgendwo vor oder hebt ab. zurück zu promods.
I updated to ETS2 ver 1.15.1 and I placed the new maps (5.3.1), but I cannot get any cargo’s anymore! What happend?
Thanks for the new version! Just one thing… you say, “You shouldn’t have any other map in your map directory!”. Um… ok? So are you saying you don’t want your work to be compatible with the RusMap creators anymore (as the old version of TSM+RusMap currently is), or indeed with any other map designers in future? If so, why the hostility and unwillingness to work together?
Because the TSM team sucks monkeyballs!
Could I suggest that in updates you improve the signage and roads in small cities? There are places where the road markings disappear because of the overlying ground and places where there are no junctions. The signage is amazing but sometimes confusing and in the wrong country! Keep up the amazing work on the other hand, Kamaz and Reislord!
(P.S. Don’t take this as me being a pompous b*stard because I… well I am)
well I have a problem, with this new version,I don’t have any jobs or quick jobs, my drivers also don’t have jobs, try many things, deactivate tsm mods (ingame) and load game without and then with, still no luck, any sugestions!?
I updated to ETS2 ver 1.15.1 and I placed the new maps (5.3.1), but I cannot get any cargo’s anymore! What happend?
Solved the “no-jobs” problem like this:
1. Save game.
2. Place /move own truck to a ETS2 “default” town (gagage). (I chose Groningen
3. Deselect ALL mods in your profile.
4. Save game.
5.Add first only Trucksim mods 5.3.1
6. Save game.
7. Add then only mods you really use.
8. Save game.
Now I can acces again the Job-market.
All my employees are back, witch is positive. Sadly they lost their jobs…
This is what I did, I hope it helps for you too.
Thx Henri for the tip 🙂
well it was boring, coz take me a while but it works now …
start game (v.1.15) … unchek all mods
save … exit … start
check TSM map
everything is ok (jobs)
save … edit profile
check every mod 1 by 1
finaly discovered that 1 mod (TZ_opentop_samro_nyylcon) messup with TSM map (jobs) …
now is ok, works fine without any problens
THx Henri for the tip a nd TSM for this great project (map)
Happy Holy days to every1
this is TSM 5.3.1 for patch 1.5, but i play TSM 5.3 on patch 1.5…dont know how 🙂
no crash or error in game.log.txt???
dont run with RusMap anymore?
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i love this ets2 game very much, but i have some problems, i can’t play it without tsm map, my second problem is that the tsm map is a huge mod wich makes the game lag’s and the worst it makes the game crach ( i have just 2 giga RAM), so please if that’s possible i want to remove some parts from the map ( i will not identify wich part ) but just make sure that the north africa is in the map ( sorry about my bad english)
I am on latest version and took a job from Koln to Rostock, however the road is blocked and/or unpaved from about Hamburg eastward. Why is this, and why does the GPS show it as driveable? Luckily I was able to resort to an older save from just before accepting the job as there was no way to turn around. Not sure if this is ETS2 bug or Trucksim
thanks guys love updated map. working flawless for me. Right when i thought it couldn’t get better u guys made it better. love new roads n new terrain. maybe next map could there be more steeper hills? as always thank you n keep up the good work. always greatful that u guys keep releasing to the public.
Superbe maps, je joue en version ( pour la première fois que je trouve un maps que je peu allé chez moi (Portugal) merci j’adore….
Superb maps, I play version ( for the first time I found a few maps I went home (Portugal) I love … thank you.
GPS route bug nearest Hamburg…
Prije svega, više nego pohvale za vaš rad, koji me uveseljava od kada sam prvi puta počela koristiti vaše mape!
Da li je ikako moguće da razmotrite dodavanje novih ruta, naprimjer:
Budapest – Varaždin – Zagreb – Zadar;
Ljubljana – Novo Mesto – Zagreb – Sarajevo – Split??
Vjerujem da govorim u ime mnogih koji bi rado koristili baš te rute…
Nadam se da će te i dalje imati samo najbolje uspjehe u radu kao i do sada!
Sretna Vam i uspješna 2015. godina!!!!!
Slažem se sa Lady
Mnogo nas ima koji bi baš te rute, i malo više Hrvatske
Hvala vam na sve do sada
Idem Voziti
Will these maps work together in ETS2 in Patch 1.15.1?: TSM Map 5.3.1, MSHeavy Alex Map 1.6.2, RusMap 1.4.7 and Europe and Africa Map Multimod 5.5?
como faço para baixar o mapa TSM já tentei de toda as formas mas não ti exedo
alguem pode me ajudar a baixar o mapa TSM
quelque de TSM Team parle francais c’est urgent jai trouver un probleme dans la map je suis debutant je ne sais pas ou en parler merci beaucoup
there are problems when you get to the toll station in italy specially when you run scania t model
hey guys just have say i take it back about steeper hills this map is my favorite in every way it has it all n yes i found the steeper hill . i hit a long steep hill pull 47 ton heavy equipment with big hp n 18 speed and i broke it down to 7th gear to keep steady speed. i still have hell of alot of miles to go. looking forward to keep rolling on the miles. thanks again n hats off to the crue.!!! TMS is the BEST!!!!
sorry TSM
hi,this map causes freeze problems to the game….i treid with and without this map and i found out that its this map that gives problems to the game….i hope you guys can fix the problems on the next update….thank you
thanks guys.Map is Super
No hay manera de entrar en Linz, me tumba el juego. ¿es posible que echarais un vistazo?. ¿me pasa a mi solo o a más gente?- Gracias
yollarda biraz yolus olursa daha ıyı olur cunku ets 2 nın tum yolları duz ve ınsanlar artık rampa yokus ıstemektedır bilgilerinize
roads would be more then a little Yolustu because the matter all the way though the two are no longer straight and ınsanlar ramp scrub your information is requested thank you
Great map but my game crashes everytime i try to enter the garage in Géneve.
Great guys !!! Thanks so much for this latest gift. You are fabulous.