TSM – Container Trailer pack 1.2


TSM – container Trailerpacket 1.2 by??? -convert by mAn-TrUcKeR/Trucksim-map
The Trailerpacket includes 10 container trailers.

There are the following loads:

20 ft Center (Conti)
20 ft back (Conti)
2x20ft (Conti)
2 AX 20 ft (Conti)
20 ft empty chassis (Conti)
40 ft (Conti)
40 ft empty chassis (Conti)
45 ft (Conti)
Open top (Conti)
20 ft tank (Conti)

We make our work made fun of it, and they will also
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were. here possible

We provide support exclusively only by specifying the log file

Trucksim MODS Trucksim map is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a content download-only the original link from TSM (bitly.com).
You can get beyond this license permits under http://www.trucksim-map.com

This mod should be charged only on the provided download links!
The mod may not be offered on other file hosters!


16 thoughts on “TSM – Container Trailer pack 1.2

  1. The-Wrong-Priest

    Does this also work without TSM? It looks great.

  2. Scaniadriver

    will be maybe dangerous – try it man

    1. It works withour TSM but it replaces some trailers i think and not all the container trailers change 🙂

      1. they are standalone trailer containers, dont replace any other trailers
        enjoy it

      2. The-Wrong-Priest

        Thanks a lot guys.

  3. barcelonista

    how i put that mod in the game? thanks..

    1. just copy the scs file into your mod folder, select when start the game and enjoy it

      1. barcelonista

        my mistake, sorry..i extracted two times and then i got many folders and didnt know what to do with them.. 🙂

  4. nice mod see what better new trailers comes in future

  5. mda mda

  6. Link doesn`t work . Who can send me the pack on the e-mail/facebook/Y!M ?

  7. Can anyone create a link trailer(2 trailers hooked up behind one another)for ets2 version 1.4 12?please.

    1. Get SCS to make it possible and someone might..

  8. Do I no need 1.2 versionof container pack if I have 1.6 trailer pack version in mod folder

    1. Trailers doesn’t show up in game. What could be the reason? I have 1.3.2

      1. i got the same problem what to do please help !!

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