TZ Trailers Pack for v1.18.1


Update for v1.18

This mod replaces the original SCS trailers for trailers TZ express.
The TZ Express mode are used trailer models from other manufacturers intended for GTS / ETS1. Parts of models are regulated and completely pøemapovány.
The author models converted for use in ETS2.
Manufacturers models thank for the excellent work.

List Trailer:
Aero_dynamic 2win, Bodex_walking_floor, Fliegl_log_trailer, VANHOOL tanks, Glass trailer_langendorf, WIELTON cistern, MAXX Kögel, Krone Cool Liner, KRONE Mega Liner, Lamberet SR2 Futura Panel transporter, S.PR Schmitz, Schwarzmuller cistern, Sommer Containers, Samro / Nyylcon, Schwarzmuller Jumbo, Kögel flat bed, Magyar ferment cistern, ROLFO cars transport.

Rommi TZ

DOWNLOAD 187 MB [sharemods]

11 thoughts on “TZ Trailers Pack for v1.18.1

  1. can you 4 axer include this pack ?

  2. say what ?

  3. compatible with jazzycat´s mods? 🙂

  4. Rommi you are great
    You make those trailers from scratch and still you are so modest
    Bravo and carry on

  5. Dragger78

    Thanks! great mod! best trailers pack!!!

  6. @Maverick
    In fact you certainly noticed most of Rommi’s trailers are already in Jazzy’s trailers and cargo pack
    I tried both together and had a CTD as soon as the Panel trailer showed up in the mission log .
    Jazzy has Rommi’s 4 axles panel trailer standalone while in Rommi’s pack it replaces the game’s original panel trailer pack.
    Jazzy added another version and it causes mixed textures in the browser.

  7. vorsicht . dieses packet zerstört euch eure profile .
    sobald ihr es raus nehmt ist das profil schrott .
    und egal ob jetzt einer sagt das stimmt nicht , ich habe es getestet mit nur dem packet und bumm profil 2 mal platt .

  8. i have aktivation this pack and deaktivation and you see the problem in this pic from this link rommy tz

  9. Sadly this doesnt work with Hungary map mod 🙁

  10. In the newest update with the map waypoint and etc these trailers have some serious bug. Please solve. Thanks 😀

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