It is a Standalone Bus Mod for ETS2 and ATS
It has own Interior, Skins and Sound
Tested 1.36 Game Version
Direçao Virtual
It is a Standalone Bus Mod for ETS2 and ATS
It has own Interior, Skins and Sound
Tested 1.36 Game Version
Direçao Virtual
Sometimes I think: it must be OMSI and not ETS2 …
Where is your problem?! Do you only have to drive trucks in ETS2 or what?
Truckercharly is right. ?
If you want to drive Buses, play OMSI or something else.
Do you understand the Title and the Term of: EuroTruckSimulator 2?
I don´t think so. ?
If you want Buses, load Jazzycat´s Bus Pack…
What is my problem? My problem is called bus jam on this side. Me must scroll through busses and busses and busses on the search for interessting TRUCKS, because the name of the game is Euro TRUCK Simulator. The bus spamming sucks.
go make an other game dumb and shut your ##### mouth Truckercharly@ go to hell vas niquer ta mere porc
Who you are to insult the other Users and their true Opinions? ??
I think also and it´s an Abuse of a worldwide nice Game to
spam around with Buses and Cars. ?
You should learn to Respect other Users and their Opinion.
Jimmy Rodriguez, you are only wasted space.
para eso están las categorías
amigo . deja de insultar gratis
Bus Driving Video
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sería más productivo
que estar como señoras
mayor. quejándose de sandeces