Volkswagen Golf 2 GTI

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Golf Mk2 GTI
A car edited by me
Contains 2 engines 200hp and 1233hp (Boba) and 2 chassis AWD and FWD
Works from version 1.24 to 1.30
Buy in Scania dealer
Interior with sport steering wheel

It’s stable even at high speed.
Have Fun!

Traian,Diablo, ZY Express( LH Trucker ), TruckersMP


8 thoughts on “Volkswagen Golf 2 GTI

  1. don’t working on 1.28

  2. Mercedesák

    Not working on 1.30

  3. ik eil die gaan do

  4. dont work 1.30

  5. cant download

  6. Nice mod, can u made peugeot 207 plz

  7. clubbingB

    no good . no works :(((

  8. can+you+do+it+for+version+1.32+?

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