Volvo FH


Breathtaking Volvo FH. Trailer not included in pack. Work with 1.15x and older versions. Have sounds, and interior. Enjoy this cool mod.

Mario, Justeksz


10 thoughts on “Volvo FH

  1. SergeyKnight

    Video plizzz

  2. Or list your mod please

  3. дайте мод на этот прицеп

  4. KingScania

    Chrashes when selecting mid and taglift chassis.

  5. it’s the same as Джо’s mod… ####, same name same mod and this one is crash

  6. че вы весь мусор публикуете, все моды на вашем сайте СТАРЫЕ!!! Проверяйте что публикуете, европейцы блин!
    what do you all rubbish post, all mods on your OLD website!!! Check that post, Europeans ####!

    1. TruckerZer0

      Man, if you don’t like europeans why are you here? Get back to your sad contry and stay there playing with your crappy Lada… And everybody wins!

  7. Trailer link can ?

  8. MidnightRider

    Well so learn english or use a better translator if it wants to be understood; I do not care what your friend meant to say. And about the T-thing well, nice… that’s really the top of human evolution… Have you ever seen any russian driving(crashing) video on youtube and read the comments below? It’s funny to know what westerners thinks about youre driving skills and habits; In any case the cold war is over in ’89 (here). Peace 😉

  9. EJTruckingINC

    Not what i heard….I heard that the cold war between Russia and USA is starting all over again with the threat of nuclear tipped cruise missiles with little or no warning with the threat of a preemptive strike on the US from Russia leaving the US government concerned enough to start issuing nuclear tipped cruise missiles back on Russia’s borders as a measure of a uncertain escalation between the two country’s…Happy Trucking 🙂

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