Volvo FH16 2013 Highway Grill


SantosPrimus – model
petr.voltr – edit, convert to ets2
Navix – suitable for FH 2013 ohaha


10 thoughts on “Volvo FH16 2013 Highway Grill

  1. Super, bude to i pro Scanii RJL 1.3? 🙂

    1. Why do you want to put a volvo bullbar on a scania?

  2. how to do it in color

  3. how to do it in color?

  4. gamerOFnorway

    Can you make it work for the standard volvo in ets2 please?

  5. Nice man that’s the kinda sh*t I’ve been waiting for.
    Could you maybe make bullbars for the other brands to?

    Greetings from Belgium

  6. Navix – i’m looking for the extended stock sunshield. Can you help me? 🙂

  7. а на Scanii пададёть ставть я сразу извеняюс генкурятник

  8. coud you open up the mod so i can add my ligthbox? 🙂

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