-corrected curtains position
-corrected dirty windshields
-fixed rus plate, now it has correct texture
-added decals accessory
-new stickers in the interior + slots
-new Austrian plates
-new single rotator added
-new horns + slots on the truck front
-new beacons!
-new workers added
-added compatibility for big T beacons and strobes[BigT Britax LED Beacons Pack]
-new leds accessory
-compatibility for sisq lights
– 2 own trailers with own cargo[ore, sand, gravel, coal, rubble and dirt]
– trailers are ownable in dealer
– cable support
– flag and cabin dlc support
– complex tuning
– new accesories
– many slots
– cargo ready to equip for truck’s kipper
– snow addon
– 2 chasiss
– smoke ready to equip
– custom licence plate ready
– own wheels
– interior lights and truck info system ready
– metallic skin support
– 2 versions of kipper
– cement mixer applicable
– own beacons
– additional slot for accessories in cabin
– fully compatible with jeyjey and sisl cabin addons (require these mods to make it work)
– animated rear mudflap
– additional accesories made for screen purposes
– kipper can be opened when selected in service configuration
– dirty windshield ready to attach
– own headlamp
– own interior accesories
– working engine badges
– decals and stickers
Mistersix, Jon Ruda, Wendigo, Abasstreppas, Ohaha, Eugene. Some parts authors:sisq,kyto,mtp,afrosmiu,galimim,roadhunter,bigT)
Thank you for updating this mod, it’s something different and I love it 😀
make template
An dieser scheiß Stein alten mod ist nix Repariert oder gefixt
Das ist nix weiter als ein Scheiß Klickbaiter Reupload
Schaltet eure Console ein und lasst euch nicht verarschen
00:00:28.921 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading ‘/vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/fmx14.pmg’ with size 93219098
00:00:29.366 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading ‘/vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/interior/’ with size 67108992
00:00:29.367 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading ‘/vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/interior/’ with size 67108992
00:00:29.622 : Incorrect front wheel definition for /vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/fmx14.pmd
00:00:37.834 : Incorrect front wheel definition for /vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/fmx14.pmd
00:00:46.526 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/chassis/8x4_2.sii
00:00:46.548 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:46.550 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:50.929 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k430.sii
00:00:50.960 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:50.960 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:52.742 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k330.sii
00:00:52.764 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:52.764 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:53.187 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k370.sii
00:00:53.213 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:53.213 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:53.637 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k380.sii
00:00:53.668 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:53.668 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:54.025 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k410.sii
00:00:54.051 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:54.051 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:54.437 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d13k420.sii
00:00:54.455 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:54.456 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:54.846 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k430.sii
00:00:54.876 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:54.876 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:56.446 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k450.sii
00:00:56.475 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:56.476 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:56.863 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d11k460.sii
00:00:56.881 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:56.881 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:57.329 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d13k460.sii
00:00:57.347 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:57.347 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:57.713 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d13k500.sii
00:00:57.734 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:57.735 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:00:58.150 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fmx14/engine/d13k540.sii
00:00:58.168 : [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_2)
00:00:58.168 : [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!
00:01:03.352 : Incorrect front wheel definition for /vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/fmx14.pmd
00:01:05.492 : Incorrect front wheel definition for /vehicle/truck/fmx_sovok/fmx14.pmd
Verwende nicht Wörter deren Bedeutung du nicht kennst.
Also bei mir läuft der und wenn ihr Schulschwänzer Kinder den nicht mögt dann laded ihn nicht und schreibt nicht immer hier so ein bs…
who needs #### like that
this mod is bullshit
If you don’t like it, don’t download it.
No one need a comment like your’s!
Test Video…
Thanks MisterSix for this awesome mod and keep it updated every weeks.