– Fixed texture cab
– Corrected itself a 3D model of the chassis
– Added a new engine 730 hp
– Removed the wheels, because they were not properly registered
– Fixed bugs
– As well as the optimized model for slow computers
– Make the model easier, weighed 114 MB, began to weigh 71.8 MB
Change in residence:
– Remade residence in showrooms in Europe
– Just ordered the dealership in England
– Prescribed in the browser tractors
– Registered in the company that would appear necessary to sleep
– And added the ability vyberatt starting at game start
Author: alex.brody99
Hi i noticed in your video that when in the truck showroom you showed addon points for lights ect but did not click on them to show extra lights I take it this was because they not added
They have a good working,
there all the default lights that are in the game.
One of these days we will see a decent truck without those ###### mirrors on the front. Maybe we will have to wait for American truck sim to come out before we will see some decent trucks.
That’s for sure and i can’t wait ATS 🙂
Sorry, not going to happen. Those ###### wing mirrors are from the US and are fitted to all trucks in ATS.
Would be nice if they were fitted as a removable accessory though.
No, they’re not fitted to all trucks in ATS.
W900 (no hood mirrors)-
T700 (no hood mirros)-
Video review and truck accessories:::
LeoLeon тупое животное.
Is there anyway the wheel can be adjusted so it doesn’t obscure the view of the gauges? I just looked at a real life 660 interior and the center of the wheel doesn’t appear to be as big as the one included in your mod.
Thanks and great job on the mod.
Not for me…Like Midnight Train…if your going to make an American Truck Mod…at least make it realistic. They don’t have the flags and curtains and they don’t have those silly looking mirrors on there either…but nice try!!!
the flags and courtains are selectables and need a real american wheels like in the 1st version
can we please upload files to multiple sites?? sharemods and uploadshare ALWAYS download super slow! at less than dialup speeds. anyone have a mirror?
Good work friend, thanks for giving it away
Volvo VT880 Anyone know how to get the files in the mods
Volvo VT880 Anyone know how to get the files in the mods
I love this truck, I think it’s one of the best! Congratulation but for the rpm and the manevrability it’s not the best one :'(
J’adore ce camion. Je pense que c’est un des meilleur! Bravo mais pour la manœuvrabilité et les tours c’est pas le meilleur dommage!!!
Администрация сайта: https://ets2.lt/ уберите пожалуйста этот мод, так как alex.brody99 не является автором данной модели. Авторство приписано, самым беспардонным образом.
Site Administration: https://ets2.lt/ please remove this mod as alex.brody99 not the author of this model. Authorship is attributed to the most shameless way.
Администрация сайта: https://ets2.lt/ уберите пожалуйста этот мод, так как alex.brody99 не является автором данной модели. Авторство приписано, самым беспардонным образом.
И прошу сообщество ETS2 разобраться с происходящим безобразием.
And I ask the community to deal with the ongoing ETS2 disgrace.