New Action Stars Drivers Icons


New Hollywoold and USA Action Stars Drivers Icons (mod is not
finished), so most of drivers are not replaced yet, but little preview
all those who needs or wants these

Ailar Kaljurand


10 thoughts on “New Action Stars Drivers Icons

  1. Who knows, maybe I will someday 🙂

  2. Also suggestions more action stars to include to this mod is appreciated. Let me know in this commentary section or use my blog to add suggestions:

  3. john avgos

    hahaha only cuck norris can drive

  4. Anyone know how to change ai drivers names?

  5. add Paul Walker plzzz

    1. Paul Walker is included in this mod version.

  6. Shad0wfield

    How did you change the icons. Everytime I try to edit one it just doesn’t work… Could you just tell me how you found out or something

    1. Use GIMP (or similar program) to modify or edit icons. I prefer to use GIMP

  7. I will update that mod and publish it as soon as possible, probably within two days

  8. Mod is updated and can be found here:

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