Month: March 2015

Road Atlas

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Included in this mod are the background images, and for the job market map(s) a brighter green “selected city” marker and pale blue “undiscovered city” markers. ROAD COLOURS ARE DEPENDENT ON YOUR GAME_DATA.SII FILE WHICH IS NOT INCLUDED HERE.

Author: Elmer BeFuddled

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Pro Mod v 1.91 Colour Maps

Pro-Mod-Colour-Maps-1 Pro-Mod-Colour-Maps-2

A small mod to replace the default ProMods World Map and Job Market map with a more colourful background.
For those using the default game map, with or without Going East, I’ve made a separate map.
Coverage is all of the new ProMods v1.91 map area and the mod only contains the required background images.

Author: Elmer BeFuddled

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TDU Traffic Pack reworked

TDU-Traffic-Pack-reworked-1 TDU-Traffic-Pack-reworked-2 TDU-Traffic-Pack-reworked-3

Tested on 1.16.x
This mod includes all vehicles from TDU. The chance of every car to appear has been drastically increased (from 0.01 earlier to 0.5 now). However, super fast/expensive car are less likely to appear than cheaper cars. For example, an Audi-S6-avant will appear more often than a Bugatti Veyron. SCS-cars will still appear the most.
Mod should work with all maps. Most northern European countries included, countries of north Africa excluded.
Traffic density increased, from max. 50 cars/4 trucks to 80 cars/7 trucks.
The traffic density, spawn rate of different cars etc. etc. is the same in every country included. Have fun!

Author: DualCore


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