5000HP Engine


Author: erivan barbosa


37 thoughts on “5000HP Engine

  1. 5000HP, it’s ridiculous, i rather use 1010HP

    1. how do u mod this? can someone describe how i make my truck 1000-5000HP step by step?

    2. Muthatrucka

      5000hp ridiculous you think?? So what do you think about the other engine that has 20X more power than that?? @ 100,000hp !!! HAHAHAHA!!!!lollollol

    3. Trucker15

      i have 100000000000 HP

  2. so crazy

  3. Freddy Jimmink

    Come on! We’re driving trucks here, we don’t fly Concordes!

    Even 1010 Hp is over the top!


    Freddy Jimmink

    1. rastko komnenic

      naaaah, im using 2000 hp on my volvo fh16 classic GT XL

  4. Bart van Ham

    Tell that to Jos van Loon, with his 1000HP chipped R620 πŸ˜‰



      Since I’m a railfan…..Eat this! πŸ˜›

  5. Unreal and who this mod downloading is a noob

    1. says

    2. IF you add this engine to the DAF Crawler mod it makes sense v.v

  6. It’s so crazy…
    Yesterday I have downloading 1500hp, then there is 2500hp, and now 5000hp. Would later be increased to 10000hp? 50000hp? or 100000hp?!

    Should I say ‘wwwoooow…’ like that?! πŸ˜†

    1. well you got an mod with 99999 hp for an scania

  7. Sarkissian

    Next a 100000HP engine, very REALISTIC!!!

    This is the BIGGEST #### EVER!!!

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Wait! Don’t bring them on crazy ideas my friend, we dont have to go mach 10 orso!

      We’re driving TRUCKS ( i thought)

      If you wanna fly, go play Flight Simulator orso,

      Freddy Jimmink

  8. I guess the only way to settle this is ets2 needs to put a drag strip and an oval to race on and their own download site like ets2race.###.Speeders stay of the highways,byways and hhd’s of the trucksim.Thankyou, now you can resume you complaining.

  9. Really good fun on the autobahn! steering should be fixed alsoΒ΄

  10. Stephen Butler

    Even if we were to assume, for one wild moment, that 5000hp were a viable proposition, this mod needs a good deal of work. It has two main problems as I see it. First, the gears are all wrong. You crawl along for the first half a dozen or so gears, and then it’s ‘hold on to your hats’ as you suddenly go charging off at 80mph plus. There is no way you can use this mod without hitting something. I challenge anyone to drive this for some realistic distance without crashing. Second, this mod is completely ####. It doesn’t make sense to create such a mod that is unplayable. Everyone, I believe, makes an equally important contribution to life and society, no matter how large or small. Except the creator of this mod, who has completely wasted his or her time which would have been much better spent taking the dog out for a walk or washing the car.

    1. Yah i agree, i use 2500hp now that a fast but drivable mod, more than than, it just kills the fun, by the way when are passengers going to be included in those empmty bus terminals, i see the fake passengers at loading docs, i will prefer them at bus terminals as the weight issue with those fake ones @ the trucks loading areas is an issue.

  11. Well i guess who want that mod will download this mod and who doesnt wont.Dont have to bi*ch about it mkay.
    Freddy Jimmink if u driving with normal trucks doesnt mean everyone wants the same orso.
    Also if u want to drive fast u can write in the console “warp 1.5” above that its goint too fast πŸ˜‰
    Peace toyall

  12. Peace officer

    Guys. please stop complaining. this mod is just for fun. if you don’t want this, just leave it and don’t download it. is there any problem? is the author of this mod forcing you guys to download and try this mod? that’s what mods are. For fun even if it’s not realistic. PEACE bros. πŸ™‚

    1. Shaan E Millat

      Strongly agreed.

  13. can someone make a 10-20k HP engine? I had a 10k hp one but i lost it, and cannot remember where I downloaded it from. If i knew how to make it myself then I would.

  14. thanks alot

  15. Is this only for Scania???

  16. At least its better than rocking up to a 70 Tonne Train that you need to haul with only a polltry 360 hp engine

  17. legobrammetje

    i have a standerd 5000 horsepower engine for the volvo. now i have it on other trucks too

  18. Good work

  19. houda

  20. maroco map

  21. nice mod

  22. i like the mod

  23. hahhahaha

  24. what truck is this for ? i dont see it

  25. satish oleti

    fake my 1500 hp engine can run 150 kmph

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