Animated female passenger in truck (with you) V2.0

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Animated female passenger in truck (with you)

Now you can have a “living” girl with you in truck cabin !!!!!
Must have SiSL’s Mega Pack, and the mod must have a high priority !!!!!
Choose Melissa in cabin. Animated model will be choose random from SCS’s animated models… Hope you will be able to continue driving lol

Version 2.0 , fixed for 1.36

Todor Alin BG


11 thoughts on “Animated female passenger in truck (with you) V2.0

  1. Do You Have An Animated Male? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jean POPINEAU

    Aside from scratching, they do nothing else?


    se rasca mas que gueva de perro cazador

  4. PolishDriverTruck

    Video Test 1.36…

  5. doesn’t completely download, crashes game.

  6. Not working. Game crashes with this mod.

  7. Crashes ETS2 when loaded. Try to sort this as others have the same problem. Could be a brilliant mod otherwise.

  8. the freak

    Tiene sarna en la pierna y queda horrible. Una pena de mod.
    He has scabies on his leg and looks horrible. A pity of mod.

  9. Not working for Uk cabin

  10. MrBarbuan

    video HD

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