Thank you for Downloading this mod and apologize when there is a lack
How to pair mod
1. Ekstrack mod to the Mod Folder Document ->Mod
2. Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 -> Select Edit Profile->tick Bj Logistic Traffic ada click apply
3. Mod ready played
Thanks To :
• God Almighty
• Colleagues from the Ets 2 Team Kaskus
• Truk simulator Indonesia
• Ipohmi
• And colleagues who i can not mention one bu one
B-Hol Software Indonesia 2014
Made in Indonesia
BJ-Holiday Software
tentang apa ini gan?? buat patch 1.15.1 crash gk ?? thx…
baca judulnya mas
untuk 14.2 ke atas bisa ko
Made in Indonesia? Really? It’s my old add-on for Eastern Express. Released a year ago:
sudah ijin jazzycat?
This is still in development, so his sense of
Indonesia’s still a little and in the adaptation of
the mod folder russia
Busted 🙂
Do not steal from others…
klo boleh mnta ai truck kamaz,hino, dan mb.axorny om… biar realistic 🙂 ane pke modny crash sama tsm 5.3 + rusia… coba ane pisahin… error program :v