BJ-Logistic Traffic v.1.0 for Ets 2 1.14.2


Thank you for Downloading this mod and apologize when there is a lack

How to pair mod
1. Ekstrack mod to the Mod Folder Document ->Mod
2. Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 -> Select Edit Profile->tick Bj Logistic Traffic ada click apply
3. Mod ready played

Thanks To :
• God Almighty
• Colleagues from the Ets 2 Team Kaskus
• Truk simulator Indonesia
• Ipohmi
• And colleagues who i can not mention one bu one

B-Hol Software Indonesia 2014

Made in Indonesia

BJ-Holiday Software


8 thoughts on “BJ-Logistic Traffic v.1.0 for Ets 2 1.14.2

  1. tentang apa ini gan?? buat patch 1.15.1 crash gk ?? thx…

    1. baca judulnya mas

  2. untuk 14.2 ke atas bisa ko

  3. Made in Indonesia? Really? It’s my old add-on for Eastern Express. Released a year ago:

    1. benar benar

      sudah ijin jazzycat?

  4. This is still in development, so his sense of
    Indonesia’s still a little and in the adaptation of
    the mod folder russia

  5. Busted 🙂
    Do not steal from others…

  6. klo boleh mnta ai truck kamaz,hino, dan mb.axorny om… biar realistic 🙂 ane pke modny crash sama tsm 5.3 + rusia… coba ane pisahin… error program :v

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