DAF F241 Van Bentum Skin

DAF F241 Van Bentum skin. Request by SARAH.
This is best I can do ,I just dont poses enough skill for something more (metallic look etc,etc) . SARAH I hope this is good enough :((

Truck: XBS Skin: Grave


6 thoughts on “DAF F241 Van Bentum Skin

  1. sarah1224

    Thank you Grave! Please make more skins for DAF 3600 but without rust. Thanks.


  2. You are wellcome .Well truck is old :))) rusted ..but that is just my opinion.

    1. Yes, your Opinion is OK. 😉
      This Truck was my first Truck in 1981.
      So, he is really old , but still in some Companies in Use.

  3. Oww i have made a trailer to go with the Van Bentum truck

  4. Sarah1224

    Hi Kevuk29, can you get me the link for that trailer please?

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