Cabin Accessories Mod requiring “SCS’s Cabin Accessories DLC”
This pack has included support for all official trucks plus DAF 50k, , Danz’s Mercedes Antos and Actros 2014, MADster’s TGX Euro 6, RJL’s Scania Modifications, Scania T and Sisu, Satan1990’s Scania 4, ohaha’s Volvo FH 2013,Scania R700
You can combine SiSL’s Mega Pack feat. Star Wars DLC 1.1.4
Tested 1.21
* Respect the download link *
Scs, jeyjey16, M.T.P, Ghostlord
Mole toy by Vlasta
Приветствую этот мод включается точки паевляються но флажки и т.д. нету пустое меню в чем причина помогите
put all credits for parts !!
Mole toy by Vlasta
plz make poppy’s + poppy’s with light ?? would be awesome :p
but i really love this pack
keep up the great work !!!!!
In some days or week I give a new version of my mod, keep up a good work, since my last version I’ve add some items by Modders Team Poland and others like helmet, cleaner glass, kleenex box set glass, set dashboard, curtains, asus pc.., I don”t test your mod but I think it can be conflicted. I donwload your mod to see and adapt and don’t make the same 3D objects on my mod but at the moment I don”t want delete items of my mod. Good work!
Ciao Jeyjey-16
Remember lucky strike
If I have time yes but I think for the moment isn’t a priority, I see what I can do, I can’t promise
another video found:
Thank you for dlc
how am i download DLC ?
Please send download link my email
Thank you
You can buy it on Steam for Steamversion only.
I hope, they will do it also for Retail-Version.
Hope will never die…
It’s a DLC from SCS, you need to buy it from Steam.
Work in the scania RS by RJL?
I can’t use this on Satan1990’s Scania 4.
Dude, changing heads on my co-drivers? Seriously? 😛 you should change clothes sometimes too :p
Ciao, SISL when there will be an update of your mod?
Remember lucky strike
Thanks ciao
for the next version: Would you be so nice to try to improve the compability with the ohaha daf?
Would you be so nice to try to improve the compability with ohaha’s DAF
Not working on some Trucks? Because Author not just copied my mod, he also copied my description that’s why 🙂
does not work for me on any trucks, for what? V1.21.1 please help, or place the original download link!
Hi, There is a problem with the left leg of the woman (no complete !).
Possible to fix it please ? 🙂
NOT WORK !!!!!!!!! NOT WORK !!!!!!!! on V1.21.1
Not works in Mercedes Benz Antos 12 v by DANZ
Errors, errors everywhere:
00:00:51.787 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:51.787 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:51.787 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:51.883 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:51.883 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:51.883 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:51.893 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/accessory/toystand/iphone.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:51.893 : [unit] The unit name ‘iphone.daf.xf.toystand’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:51.893 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/accessory/toystand/iphone.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:51.997 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:51.997 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.mercedes.actros.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:51.997 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:52.098 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros2014/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:52.098 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.mercedes.actros2014.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:52.098 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros2014/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:52.248 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:52.248 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.renault.magnum.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:52.248 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:52.340 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:52.340 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.renault.premium.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:52.340 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:52.443 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:52.443 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.scania.r.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:52.443 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:52.614 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.614 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:52.614 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.637 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.637 : [unit] The unit name ‘gps1.daf.xf.set_lglass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.637 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.638 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.638 : [unit] The unit name ‘gps2.daf.xf.set_lglass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.638 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.638 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.638 : [unit] The unit name ‘gps3.daf.xf.set_lglass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.638 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.638 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.638 : [unit] The unit name ‘gps4.daf.xf.set_lglass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.638 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.639 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.639 : [unit] The unit name ‘coolbox1.daf.xf.toybig’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.639 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.639 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.639 : [unit] The unit name ‘coolbox2.daf.xf.toybig’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.639 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.639 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.639 : [unit] The unit name ‘coolbox3.daf.xf.toybig’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.639 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:52.639 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/’, line 3:
00:00:52.639 : [unit] The unit name ‘coolbox4.daf.xf.toybig’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:52.639 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/
00:00:53.024 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:53.024 : [unit] The unit name ‘glass_set5.scania.streamline.set_glass’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:53.024 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:53.027 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/toybig/coolbox3.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:53.027 : [unit] The unit name ‘coolbox3.scania.streamlinetoybig’ is in wrong format.
00:00:53.027 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/toybig/coolbox3.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:53.792 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:53.792 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:53.792 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:53.934 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2012/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:53.934 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_data’).
00:00:53.934 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2012/accessory/set_glass/set5.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.096 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/set_lglass/gps.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.096 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.096 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/set_lglass/gps.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.096 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/set_lglass/gps_iphone.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.096 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.096 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/set_lglass/gps_iphone.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.096 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/ashtray.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.096 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.097 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/ashtray.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.097 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/galaxy.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.097 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.097 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/galaxy.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.097 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/iphone.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.097 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.097 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/iphone.dlc_toys.sii)
00:00:54.097 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/tabako.dlc_toys.sii’, line 3:
00:00:54.097 : [unit] The unit name ‘’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘accessory_addon_int_data’).
00:00:54.097 : load_unit() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2013/toystand/tabako.dlc_toys.sii)
How to edit glass renault ? Where the folder in Winrar ????