Free cam


Paste the file (C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2)

Activation of the game by pressing “0”, the movement numeric keypad!

Moving truck to the designated place “F9”



11 thoughts on “Free cam

  1. Why does this need to be a mod? All you need to do is edit your config file and change one simple thing to enable this.

  2. Thats no mod, thats the config file with flycam settings. And in the file config.cfg are other essential settings, that people should understand before the modify it.

    Are you kidding? 😉

  3. frenchuser

    Work on ETS 2 1.14.2 ? 🙂

  4. This kind of files shouldn’t be posted here, as they are not mods at all.

    DO NOT install this. It will overwrite your config settings. You can enable the free cam yourself editing your own config file.

  5. this #### don’t even work properly,it just zooms in under truck.Lol

    1. With the numpad you can steer it!

    2. Numpad :))

  6. Free Cam sets only, as it is written 🙂

  7. This isn’t a mod. It shouldn’t be here. All it does is replace the config file with the same file with, if this mod only does what is says, only one change. People can easily do this themselves. As I see it, this is only a cheap way for the publisher of this “mod” to make money.

  8. How to return the original external camera truck, since this mode spoiled my game. I do not want the camera far back of the truck. Very angry.

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