Freightliner Coronado Skin

Freightliner-Coronado-Skin-2 Freightliner-Coronado-Skin-1

Skin for Freightliner Coronado Truck

Author: skiner


8 thoughts on “Freightliner Coronado Skin

  1. nice skin thank you

  2. Thanks, Skiner! 🙂

  3. EJTruckingINC

    Nice bro!

  4. You’re welcome guys.

  5. Always making American truck mods that much better 😉

    1. kriechbaum

      Yes always realistic and fit perfect on those trucks.

  6. TYVM …. mooooore, please.

  7. leftlaneoutlaw

    when I try to down load skin it goes to note pad can someone tell me how to get it from there please and thank you

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