Freightliner Coronado Taglift


This Taglift only chassis

Author: by_pitbull


21 thoughts on “Freightliner Coronado Taglift

  1. a taglift lifts the rear axle, not the middle one, this is a midlift

  2. be nice if u made it a tri axel. 3 axels with the axel closest to the cab a lift axel thats how it would be in the usa

    1. Yep, and most trucks are 6×4 so there’s no point in adding lift axles.

    2. True but not even european trucks lift the mid axle when it has twin wheels.
      its usually single wheel even on american trucks for heav haulers.
      if if has twin wheels it most likely would not be a 6×4.

    3. I agree

  3. hey thats not probelm u just open sil file
    and scroll down and then u see axle true ~~~~
    u change axle 0 =false axle 1 = true axle 2= false
    than midlift change to taglift

  4. By_pitbull

    this mod non tag(or mid)lift axel to tag(or mid) axel conversion

    sory my bad eng…..

  5. gearjammer337

    can someone make a video on how to install this truck?

  6. hi pitbull it works for me thank you. could u make a 8×4 chissis for this truck. i think that what u might call it? in the us we call it a triaxel. 3 axels behind the cab. this is already a bad azz truck but it would be a real heavy hauler with 3 axels behind cab first axel a lift axel and axel 2 and 3 stay on ground as power axels thanks think about it please

    1. By_pitbull

      first ı so sorry my eng (ı turkısh )

      K-whopper look thıs:ınıf5.jpg

      1(one) cant lifted and another one exp:4.5.6 vs (exp:1 and 6 is not up lifted but another axles yes lifted)

      gearjammer337 this for you but first download truck:

      and watch this:

      good days all time all humans 😀

  7. By_pitbull

    I need 6 axle truck but .scs open(no password) ı show
    non tag-midlifted version to lifted versions 😀

  8. By_pitbull

    and this how to install video

  9. hi pitbull wow that truck got alot of axels. i watched your video . i tried to make changes but no luck. must have to make a new chassis sii. thanks for you response.

    1. By_pitbull

      no recommend to new chassis.sii 😀

      ok first add to this lines
      liftable_axle[0]: false
      liftable_axle[1]: true
      liftable_axle[2]: false

      this line 3 axle you add axle
      liftable_axle[0]: false this front wheel
      liftable_axle[1]: true
      liftable_axle[2]: true
      liftable_axle[3]: true
      liftable_axle[4]: false this your rear drive wheel
      liftable_axle[5]: true

      1. Hi pit bull could u make 8×4 chassis for this Coronado ? I had no luck
        Thank you if you would please..

        1. By_pitbull

          new 8×4 chassis model on coronado? (ı say no)

          sii edit yes but add new features? no 😀

          1. hi pit bull yah just a edited chassis will work. i wish i could figure it out but no luck. like to add 1 more axel to stock chassis . i was hoping for it be like a usa heavy hauler.

  10. pit bull if unable or do not want to do, i still thank you for your response.

    1. By_pitbull

      ı so sorry ı cant read english ı from turkey.

      this truck 4 axle (2 steering wheel 2 drive wheel)

      coronado 3 axle ı cant add new axle 🙁

  11. ok pit bull i thank you for your comment and i understand. thank again for your time. good day to you sir…

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