Home Sweet Home mod v2.0


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Updated great mod:
-Version changed to 1.15
-Added Christmas tree in houses gardens.
-Compatible with all Snow mods.
So, looks great, and you can feel Christmas in Euro Truck Simulator 2!
Enjoy, and Happy Christmas!!! 🙂

trucker2121, Soxic vel MGK


9 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home mod v2.0

  1. where to find this house?On the map?

    1. simoschmitz

      Yeah where i found it?

    2. BoneShaker

      Road number 7 from Kraków to Warsaw.

      1. Location on map:

        Does this new version have collision models for fences etc? I had to add that myself for first version.

        Also the fence posts had permanent shadows on the top, are you able to fix this?


        (Note: I’ve re-textured the house, but problem is in the actual modeling of the pyramid at the top.)


        1. <<>>

          It’s exactly the same as V 1.0, no changes and it already works on 1.15!

  2. Where is Christmas tree in video? Not downloading till I see some proof it’s been updated.

  3. Wonderfull.. but i have a questions: you can have the same mod but near milan?

  4. Wonderfull.. but i have a questions: you can have the same mod but near milan?

  5. is it possible to have the same at luxembourg?

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