Je Suis Charlie Trailer 16/01/2015Trailers Report Abuse Share a video × Share YouTube video Do you have a video review of this mod? Fill this form and share a video. We share max 3 videos for one mod. Your email address Youtube video address By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. Je Suis Charlie Trailer Skin Author: Dylan Tuto Games Lego DOWNLOAD 2 MB « Previous mod Next mod »
Do we really have the freedom to say what we want to say? Because Dieudonné didn’t have this freedom.
je suis MOHAMED ♥
je suis pas raciste
Je SUIS HUMAIN!!! IF you disrespect on a religion, you will face the consequences. That’s not racism!
just some gaylords who terribly disrespected prophet Muhammad and prophet Jesus.
It would be better if they were not killed, but if you are a true Muslim or a true Christian, know the facts and stop this “je suis” bullshit.
Je suis Charlie!
IF you are saying that “I’m Charlie” that means i’m racist! SO, f*ck you retarded racist!!!
je suis avec MOHAMED