Hier ein Michael Jackson Fan Skin für den Krone Coolliner.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MisterXelo
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Twitch: www.twitch.tv/MisterXelo
Making Trailer Skin live. You can contact me, if you want a Trailer Skin.
Skin by MisterXelo
Hi just one small point it should read on the back of the trailer
“In Memory” not “In Memorys”.
I hope this helps you
Thx, thats right! Sorry for this Mistake.
Both are wrong, the right is in memorian
Work on 1.36
было доказано что это не так , тот же маколей , чувак утверждавший что я кобы что то было потом сказал что это была идея отца что бы получить деньги с него , и этот отец потом же и повесился !
Translate by Google from Alex677M:
it was proved that this was not so, the same Macaulay, the dude who claimed that I was something then said that it was my father’s idea to get money from him, and this father then hanged himself!
Michael Jackson ist der king of pop und wird es immer bleiben
John Fazackerley ist ist nie bewissen worden den der junge hat gelogen und das wurde festgestellt also lass die scheiss bemerkung ok danke
maybe he was, maybe he was not. nobody know especially not you, your a foolish sheep.
anyhow he made some good music.
so #### you
!!! Update !!!
– for Version 1.36 ✅
– Troubleshooting ✅
New Download Link –> https://sharemods.com/ihq61z6e9luq/Skin_Michael_Jackson_1.36.zip.html
Can you make some finnish trailer like these:
Kiitolinja: https://cdn.nettikone.com/live/1857345/Peravaunut—Raskas-kalusto-Kaupe-424a2f89ee5ae30d-medium.jpg
Kaukokiito: https://paivinoin.kaukokiito.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/markku_alasiurua_pienempi.jpg
Pirkka: https://www.kesko.fi/globalassets/04-media/uutiskuvat/arkisto/2015/kesko_ekorekka.jpg?width=970