MAP M.I.I V0.3.1 (Indonesia Map for ETS2 1.30.x)

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Changelog v0.3.1
Adapted to 1.30.x version

Indonesia map for ETS 2:
M.I.I is a small but great map to explore. Pretty sure he used a lot of things from the major mod makers like TSM (for the things and modules) and goba6372 (for the terrain) and combined all in this map. There are also a lot of surprises in this map. Obstacles in the road are one of them. With contains normal and off roads in the map, which required a new profile, is standalone map which replace standard map from ETS 2.

1.Download this mod.
2.Extract it!
3.Paste the .scs files into your My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod folder.
4.Run game ~> Create new profile ~> Enable mod.
5.Choose indonesia.mbd in the module box and start.


Thanks a:
* TSM team
* goba6372 (one of the inspirations for making M.I.I’s)
* Tutorial mapping By Evergreen1976
* File “system 1.12”
* Donal skipper ballon
* Ridho tm
* S.ilham
* Legionnaire
* Robikin
* Mendozblankon
* Vishnu suryo jatmiko
* Denny CH pratama
* Msrihardi modworks
* Mas bro
* Letrucker keep the distance / burnedbruno
* The admin + member / citizen Facebook group + Thread ETS2 Kaskus
* Gustav rhan, Bayu, misterbasi, junededan, relaxed male judge, Fahmiashura ..
* And many more that I can not mention one by one ? sorry yes
Thanks for the spirit and support!! ?
Note: We apologize if there are still many mistakes in the creation of the folder and still far from perfect.

Enjoy the game!

SCS, TSM team, goba6372 (one of the inspiration! M.I.I), Evergreen1976, Donal juragan ballon, Ridho tm, S.ilham, Legiunnaire, Robikin, Mendozblankon, Wisnu suryo jatmiko, Denny CH pratama, Msrihardi modworks, Mas bro, Letrucker jaga jarak/burnedbruno, IanGancank, GabrielPetra and others.


17 thoughts on “MAP M.I.I V0.3.1 (Indonesia Map for ETS2 1.30.x)

  1. Bhagwant123

    Is any dlcs required?

  2. Mas IanGancank, saya alumni grup KETS2I
    Grup yang baru ada gak?

  3. noelasegg

    i dont know

  4. noelasegg

    crashes after choosing map.

  5. Interesting. Trucks going through water is a common thing in Indonesia. : ))

  6. O+mapa+é+bom+mais+ainda+tem+bugs,como+bater+em+algo+invisível+no+meio+da+rua.

  7. Beautiful map. Some bugs. Improvable! Fix the traffic pls: italian, german, france police on the road.

  8. is there any virus?

  9. TOP MENOOO ,3

  10. EdgeGladiator

    I can not go on the map because after the choice of cities the game crash. Could you tell me how?

    1. EdgeGladiator

      It’s good, I’m not put in the right order files otherwise it’s a good map that is sensational.

  11. muito top

  12. julio cocielo

    works on 1.31 ?

    funciona na 1.31 ?

  13. Safarusha

    very hard map

  14. Susunan modnya gmn ya?
    Coz, crash mulu nih. Atau jgn2 ada file yg kurang?

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