Mercedes Actros 1845 1.34 – 1.35 (Edit ByYurtkuran)

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There are 3 types of cabins in the car.


It’s the 3rd vehicle in the Mercedes gallery.

Oleg, jekich1, Stas556. , ByYurtkuran (FIX)

In addition to the picture, there are different cabin and chassis options.

Oleg , jekich1 , Stas556. , ByYurtkuran


15 thoughts on “Mercedes Actros 1845 1.34 – 1.35 (Edit ByYurtkuran)

  1. Works not
    When i buy online or from Dealer
    Crash desktop

    1. It works normally, the flight is already done at 1.35. Maybe your laptop is weak and there is not enough memory for this mod

      1. No Laptop i have an gaming PC with 16GB RAM
        6 GB Graphics
        I7 CPU
        Also Mod Not working

        1. Cant see truck in the mercedes shop. where can i find it?

    2. It works normally, the flight is already done at 1.35. Maybe your laptop is weak and there is not enough memory for this mod

  2. JGaming HD

    HD video 1.35…

    1. Video doesnt work and neither does the mod. Only scs trucks in mercedes gallery. broken mod.

  3. bei mir geht der auch nicht!!

    1. flyinguwe

      weil du dumm bist darum vllt

  4. flyinguwe

    only working on update 1.35

  5. hi, template please ?

  6. Hi, 1 Problem, if i take the 6×2 midlift i cant drive, the engine starts but the truck dont drive, also you cant steer the truck. Which 6×2 i can drive very well. Thanks for help

    1. sorry, i mean with 4×2 i can drive very well 🙂

  7. You have a template?

  8. Template please!!! En make it suitable for EVR sounds. Then your mod is the bomb!

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