I just took the files I found in base scs/Actros 2014 sound and put them in this mod for Actros MPIII truck. Both interior and exterior changed. Enjoy the real Mercedes-Benz sound.
Authors: Goktugmen, SCS
I just took the files I found in base scs/Actros 2014 sound and put them in this mod for Actros MPIII truck. Both interior and exterior changed. Enjoy the real Mercedes-Benz sound.
Authors: Goktugmen, SCS
This is plain ######.
The new Actros as an inline 6, the old a V6.
They have TOTALLY different technologies, transmission and engine, also exhaust wise.
There couldn’t be no more unrealistic and ###### sound mod!
Sorry for wrong information. I thought it was mpiv2S sound but i just realized that it is not mpiv’s sound. It is unique to mpii i don’t know why it is not the default sound for mpiii yet this is the original sound for the truck found in base.scs
Sorry for wrong information. I thought it was mpiv2S sound but i just realized that it is not mpiv’s sound. It is unique to mpii i don’t know why it is not the default sound for mpiii yet this is the original sound for the truck found in base.scs.