Mercedes Benz Axor V1

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TR=Oncelikle selamlar arkadaşlar bugun sizlere yapmış oldugum axor v1 modunu paylaşacağım 🙂

Edit,Convert=Ben(Son Surume Uyarlama Yanlış Anlaşılmasın)
Sürüm=1.28 test edildi sorun yok
Yapımcı=Yunus8102(Yunus Aman)
Panjur Tampon renkli-plastik seçeneği
3 kabin 1 şasi
retarder şanzıman çeşitleri
b cabin rüzgarlık
arka çamurluk kesik normal
Skin Yapılamaz!…
Orjinal İbre
Renkli Plastik ayna ve güneşlik
İçerden de güneşliği yapmaya çalıştım elimden geldigince
Kabin DLC,Bayrak DLC Uyumludur

V2 de Yapılacaklar
Ambiyans Kaplama(AO)
Modifiye Çeşitleri
Led Çeşitleri

Araca Edit Atmak Yasaktır ! Başka Yerde Paylaşırken isim belirtmek ve link değiştirmemek şartıyla
paylaşabilirisiniz 🙂

V2 De Goruşmek Üzere

First of all greetings friends I will share the axor v1 mode I have done with you today 🙂

Model = Danz
Edit, Transform = I (Understanding the Misconception of Adaptation to the Last Session)
Version = 1.28 tested no problem
Producer = Yunus8102 (Yunus Aman)
Features =
Shutter Bumper color-plastic option
3 cabin 1 chassis
retarder gearbox types
b cabin spirits
rear mudguard cut normal
Can not Bind! …
Original needle
Colorful plastic mirror and sunshade
I tried to do the sunshine from the inside,
Cab DLC, Flag DLC ​​Compatible

To do at V2
Ambience Coating (AO)
Types of Modifiye
Led Types

Editing the Car is Banned! Provide a name in another location and change the link
you can share 🙂

To Talk About V2 De

Yunus Aman


5 thoughts on “Mercedes Benz Axor V1

  1. HD video test:

  2. Full HD Complete test video-

  3. jorgent97

    Hd test…

  4. AzoraxModdingGaming
  5. Uploader!
    You noted regarding the original model (copy in):
    “Model = Danz”
    Why then you do not mention him in the field of credits?
    Danz is a man (with own studio) who creatd the famous Mercedes Antos in several versions.
    But obviously you have forgotten that because your too big EGO.
    Be friendly and be honest, I tell you.
    And if you don’t understand, then tell it here, I’ll be waiting

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