Nameplate + Telepass for MAN Euro 6

Nameplate-1 Nameplate-2 Nameplate-3

Change the Mod by the Nameplates
Color from the Nameplate can Change (blue, red, White, etc)
Tested on 1.20

Authors: SCS, Skinmaster


6 thoughts on “Nameplate + Telepass for MAN Euro 6

  1. Thanks man! 🙂

  2. Please do at Scania RJL Telepass

  3. TYVM

    please, do it to all trucks – default and modder. it seems MTP Team is out.

  4. you should add the original author
    You have just changed the file definitions

  5. What about maybe some cablight ?

  6. Supi Mod..aber mal für alle LKW´s wäre noch besser

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